Search results
Handy Hints for SCISWEB
By Schools Catalogue Information Service
Issue 31, Term 4 1999
Customers are reminded to use the limits button, which is located at the bottom of the page when searching in WEBOPAC. This function is helpful when searching for computer software or video recordings as the system only retrieves records of these types. You are able to impose limits on the four t
Internetting Corner
By Nigel Paull
Issue 31, Term 4 1999
Ancient Egypt <> Aimed at senior primary students, this age appropriate site offers concise information and graphics regarding most aspects of the flourishing life of Ancient Egypt. Additional links for teachers include lesson plans and resources.
By Schools Catalogue Information Service
Issue 31, Term 4 1999
Government to incorporate the teaching of key Asian Languages and cultures in schools across Australia. In respect to studies of Asian cultures, the aim has been to infuse a perspective on Asia across the curriculum, with particular emphasis on the Arts, Studies of society and environment, and Engl
What's New?
By Schools Catalogue Information Service
Issue 31, Term 4 1999
. LIIWeek If you subscribe to this free service, the top twenty or so sites that are added to the Librarians' Index on the Internet each week are emailed to you in one batch weekly. Emanating from Berkeley sunSITE, Librarians' Index to the Internet is an annotated and searchable database which con
Post Modernism and the Shelf Ready Item
By Schools Catalogue Information Service
Issue 31, Term 4 1999
ly support the curriculum... Our goals in outsourcing were to provide a cheaper product and access to an expertise that we could no longer afford to maintain in-house, and to improve services to our clients by providing a clear, consistent catalogue.' This article which will appear in Access, Volu
Cataloguing News
By Schools Catalogue Information Service
Issue 31, Term 4 1999
on Over 2,000 customers have already placed a prepublication order for the new book with expected delivery in November 1999. The 620 page book is available for purchase (RRP $90.00; for Australian orders under $100.00 add $6.00 delivery) by sending an order form to Curriculum Corporation. An offic
'A valuable national asset...'
By Tricia Nathan
Issue 32, Term 1 2000
presentatives from government and non-government sectors; colleagues from national and state school library associations; tertiary institutions who train Teacher Librarians; representatives from Ii brary automation suppliers; and current and former SCIS staff. Wesley Young and Douglas Down were th
Using SCIS Subiect Headings Book with students: a school's view
By David Morris
Issue 32, Term 1 2000
We have a school library serving grades 7 to 12. We keep a spare copy of SCIS Subject Headings on the workstation where most of our library's OPACs are located. We find that students who have been shown its use, especially in the older grades, will use the publication as a thesaurus of search terms
Handy Hints
By Schools Catalogue Information Service
Issue 32, Term 1 2000
Cataloguing pictures and prints Did you know that SCIS catalogues pictures and prints? As these items do not have an ISBN Teacher Librarians need to locate the SCIS record number in the SCIS OPAC before they create or upload an order. When applying limits for pictures and prints in the SCIS OPAC,
CC News
By Schools Catalogue Information Service
Issue 32, Term 1 2000
was the first time that we offered only the SCISWeb and SCISCO products. Subscriptions to SCIS increased, and we anticipate that they will increase again in 2000, with nearly 8,000 schools expected to subscribe to SCIS. In 1999 over 4 million cataloguing records were downloaded from SCISWeb and SCIS
School Libraries and the Knowledge Economy of the 21st Century
By Kerry Tanner
Issue 32, Term 1 2000
ient-responsive, products and services. During the 1980s, an organisation's use of information technology (IT) was popularly presented as the key to gaining a strategic business advantage over the competition. By the early 1990s, writers such as Strassman (1990) and Keen (1991) were questioning the
Cache: n., 1 : a hiding place. 2: a secret store
By Ivan Trundle
Issue 32, Term 1 2000
ecifies or implies a unique reference point, and opening a web browser and entering the address will force a request to be made to the web server containing that URL. That request is in the form of 'please send me a copy of the page in question so that I can display it on screen at this end' -and if
Internetting Corner
By Nigel Paull
Issue 32, Term 1 2000
The Abacus: index Fascinating details of the construction, history and application of the abacus are covered here. Complete plans for building an abacus using LEGO blocks could form the basis of a creative lesson. SCIS 990154 Arctic Circle http://J
By Schools Catalogue Information Service
Issue 32, Term 1 2000
stralian Department for Education and Children's Services, 1997 RRP: $84.95 This is a resource that every school should have for its teachers! The aim of this CD-ROM is to provide teachers with help in understanding what the Internet and on-line services are, and illustrate how they can use this
What's New?
By Schools Catalogue Information Service
Issue 32, Term 1 2000
s into BUBL, Yahoo!, and the World-Wide Web Virtual Library. The next site is Ex Libris, a weekly e-zine for librarians. It is located at This site contains many valuable links to interesting sites relevant to librarians as well as back issues of the e-zin
Cataloguing News
By Cherryl Schauder
Issue 32, Term 1 2000
complete work on SCIS Subject Headings Fourth Edition. This newly revised tool was released in November 1999. Work on a revision such as this is a painstaking task. The list had to be first extracted from the Voyager database, and then each entry had to be manipulated to conform to the newly chose
Metadata (Part 3)
By Heather Watson
Issue 33, Term 2 2000
revising the existing standard. This committee consists of representatives from each of the EdNA sectoral groups (Schools, Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education) with the Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs (DETYA). Schools sector specific recommendations forwarded t
Handy Hints
By Schools Catalogue Information Service
Issue 33, Term 2 2000
uestions (FAQs) We encourage customers to print up SCIS OPAC FAQs located at < faq.htm >. These FAQs contain valuable information to enhance your search strategies when searching in SCIS OPAC. For example, if you have set Limits in SCIS OPAC to refine you
CC News
By Schools Catalogue Information Service
Issue 33, Term 2 2000
oduct has been renamed and will be now known as the SCIS Authority Files. We plan to include other authority files at a later stage. This product contains the entire contents of the SCIS database subject authority file and complements the SCIS subject headings. Used within the school's library syste
Television Broadcasts
By Leonie Samuelsson
Issue 33, Term 2 2000
Many schools are taking advantage of the Screenrights Agreement to tape television programs off-air. After making the effort to record these programs for educational use, it is worth considering cataloguing those programs that the school decides to keep. Cataloguing television broadcasts has a