Issue 31
Term 4 1999
Post Modernism and the Shelf Ready Item
The involvement of SCIS with Campion Education in providing shelf ready books to schools with catalogue records is outlined in an article written by Wilma Kurvink (Director of Library Services) and Marie Turnbull (Technical Services Librarian) at Wesley College, Melbourne.
The authors state:
'Outsourcing of cataloguing and processing had been identified by the Library Review as a method of productivity improvement. It would allow library staff to focus on core services to students and teachers, an to develop expertise in areas that directly support the curriculum... Our goals in outsourcing were to provide a cheaper product and access to an expertise that we could no longer afford to maintain in-house, and to improve services to our clients by providing a clear, consistent catalogue.'
This article which will appear in Access, Volume 14, Issue 4, 1999 is also available on our website at <>.