Issue 32
Term 1 2000
A Survival Guide to the Internet tor Teachers
Publisher: Curriculum Resources, South Australian Department for Education and Children's Services, 1997
RRP: $84.95
This is a resource that every school should have for its teachers! The aim of this CD-ROM is to provide teachers with help in understanding what the Internet and on-line services are, and illustrate how they can use this tool as a resource for both professional development and enhancing the curriculum.
The CD-ROM is well designed. The graphics are clear and, combined with the spoken instructions; the program is very user friendly. The main menu has five options: On-line services, Guided Tour, Case studies, Tutorials and Exit; arranged around the outline of a hand.
One tends to choose the option on the left first but I suggest users start with the guided-tour as this gives an overview of the CD-ROM, explains the navigation control panel which is constant throughout the program and then introduces each section of the program.
A Guide to the Internet and on-line services: This explains the what, why, where and how. It includes how Internet services work, getting connected and the benefits to teachers.
Case Studies: This gives details of how teachers are using on-line services to facilitate student learning in both primary and secondary schools. Each case study contains detai Is about the year level of students, learning areas covered and the on-line services and hardware used, as well as the content, task, rationale, student work and evaluation. Video clips are used in many of these case studies. Geography teachers will find 'Expedition Icebound' and 'Earthquakes on-line' of interest.
Tutorials: This explains how to access and use various services. Teachers can learn how to navigate and search for sites on the World Wide Web and access news groups and send email using Netscape Navigator. Instructions are provided using the cursor and highlighting on the screen and menu together with a commentary.
This is an excellent resource as it allows teachers (and others) to learn how to use the Internet and on-line services at their own pace. Tutorials are short so they can be fitted in when a teacher has a 'spare' 10 -15 minutes. The tutorials are well structured and able to be accessed with a minimum of computer skills. Tutorial notes are stored on the CD-ROM and can be printed for future reference. This is a must for the Professional Development library of any school where teachers are learning to use the Internet and on-I ine services.
Reviewed by Sharon Jones Distance Education Centre, Victoria * Interactions, Vol 26 No.1, March 1998
Available from: Curriculum Corporation
Tel: (03) 9207 9600
Fax: (03) 9639 1616
Indonesia Kaleidoscope
Publisher: Curriculum Corporation
ISBN: 1 86366 383 5
RRP: $34.95
Aimed at middle to upper primary teachers Indonesia Kaleidoscope is a terrific resource, many aspects of which have the potential to be adapted for use in the junior levels of secondary schools.
The book is very well arranged in six chapters, each relating to an area of Indonesia: lrian Jaya, Bali, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Java and Sumatra. These chapters focus on a folktale discussing an important aspect of Indonesian life related to these places and a 'Fact File' providing additional information. Student activities then follow through with the themes raised in the folktales and 'Fact Files'.
The chapter on Sulawesi, for example, looks at a folktale explaining the origins of rice. The 'Fact File' develops some of the issues raised in the folktale by providing information about the importance and practicalities of rice growing. The student activities range from mapping rice growing areas, word searches, producing rice flour, batik and participating in traditional rice growing songs and dances. The range of student activities in each section is a very impressive element of this book.
I was particularly impressed with the excellent maps and activities which worked together to give a sense of the diversity of the regions in Indonesia, both geographically and culturally.
A useful bibliography has also been included. This book would be an ideal resource for teachers developing activities for an Asian History Week/Day at schools as well as developing interesting classroom activities.
Reviewed by Marita Cullen, HTAV AGORA, 1999 pp54 *Reproduced with permission
Available from: Curriculum Corporation
Tel: (03) 9207 9600
Fax: (03) 9639 1616