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Handy Hints

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Cataloguing pictures and prints

Did you know that SCIS catalogues pictures and prints? As these items do not have an ISBN Teacher Librarians need to locate the SCIS record number in the SCIS OPAC before they create or upload an order. When applying limits for pictures and prints in the SCIS OPAC, use the term Nonprojected Graphics. This is located under the Medium option. This makes locating the record easier because the SCISWeb search will retrieve resources in this medium only.

Browser downloads

If you wish to change your browser or download the latest version onto your desktop, you can now find links to Netscape and Internet Explorer browsers on our website. You will locate them on the SCISWeb Message Centre page at this address http://www.curriculum.edu.au/scis/webmsg.htm.

Recording SCIS record numbers

When your desired catalogue record is located in the SCIS OPAC, highlight the SCIS record number then click on Edit (on the top menu bar) and then Copy. Paste into a word processing document. Continue to add SCIS record numbers to this open document. When you have finished searching, highlight the entire list and Copy and Paste into a new Create Orders box. You can then process the order as normal. (Other alternatives you may prefer to use are noting the SCIS record number on the resource or onto a sticky note to be typed into Create Orders later). The Copy and Paste feature can also be employed for other purposes. For example, at your next SCIS session you may choose to Copy and Paste your Not matched file directly into the Create Orders box so that you can continue to re-order those ISBNs and not have to re-type or re-scan them. (Obviously if you have used your barcode scanner to input those ISBNs it will be simpler to re-scan them).


Schools Catalogue Information Service