Showing 181 - 200 of 393 results for SCIS

Website and app reviews

By Nigel Paull

Issue 117, Term 2 2021

laced on assisting teachers and parents to gain new insights into telling stories in Auslan. Additional stories are available as in-app purchases. SCIS no: 5354324 BUILDING AN EARTHQUAKE READY FUTURE

Have you heard of the Great Aussie Book Count?

By Amanda Shay

Issue 125, Term 2 2023

The 2022 count discovered that the most commonly available titles in school libraries are: 1. Macbeth by William Shakespeare, edited by Jo Ryan (SCIS no. 1188679) 2. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, edited by Jo Ryan (SCIS no. 1187099) 3. The happiest refugee by Anh Do (SCIS no. 147

What's New?

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 33, Term 2 2000

[email protected], website: < 2000.htm>. Register before 31 May 2000 to go into the draw to win a copy of SCIS Subject Headings Fourth Edition valued at $90.00. 2. Video Education Australasia SCIS has undertaken to catalogue all videos distributed by V

Internetting Corner

By Nigel Paull

Issue 33, Term 2 2000

of Australia, the various State and Territory archives and other significant archives. Additional links are available to international archive sites. SCIS: 995727 Cells Alive! <> The life, death and interaction of a large variety of cells are displayed using a visuall

Internetting Corner

By Nigel Paull

Issue 34, Term 3 2000

s links, services, publications, projects and forthcoming activities for science teachers in primary schools, high schools and tertiary institutions. SCIS 1007649 Bibliomania: Best Online literature and Reference Books Utilising this site's search engine users can a

Handy Hints for SCISWeb

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 29, Term 2 1999

Identifying the Problem Before calling SCIS Customer Service with a query, try identifying issues which may be relevant to your problem. This will help you to understand whether the problem you are experiencing is a SCIS problem. Develop a checklist of questions as part of your library proced

News from Curriculum Corporation

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 16, Term 1 1996

Schools ordering cards or machine readable records on these forms will be provided with a statement of the amount owing at the end of the month. SCIS LINK/ Voyager comments With the move from the old SCIS database DOBIS/LIBIS to the new platform Voyager on 5 February 1996, Curriculum Corporat

Voyager Has Landed

By Lance Deveson

Issue 11, Term 4 1994

sed the MS Windows Catalogue Editor, MSWindows OPAC and the ASCII OPAC. ASCII OPAC. The ASCII OP AC is the access point for schools to search the SCIS database and order product online from the database. Curriculum Corporation required that MARCorp enhance the ASCII OP AC to allow ordering of re

Website and app reviews

By Nigel Paull

Issue 125, Term 2 2023

Athlete Personal Development  SCIS no: 5437008 PE teachers and talented Year 12 athletes will find authoritative information on this Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) website. Content includes: career paths for athletes; criteria for obtaining A

What's New?

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 32, Term 1 2000

ris/archive.html. This site contains many valuable links to interesting sites relevant to librarians as well as back issues of the e-zine. Finally, SCIS has created a link to ABC Educational TV programs on our own website under What's New The

CC News

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 30, Term 3 1999

Survey of SCISWeb We would appreciate you spending a few moments to complete the survey form, which may be printed up from the 'SCISWeb Message Centre' page. Feedback will ensure that the SCISWeb product meets your needs. Please fax your completed survey to SCIS at (03) 96391616 as soon as pos

Cataloguing News

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 31, Term 4 1999

SCIS Subject Headings 4th edition Over 2,000 customers have already placed a prepublication order for the new book with expected delivery in November 1999. The 620 page book is available for purchase (RRP $90.00; for Australian orders under $100.00 add $6.00 delivery) by sending an order form to

What's New?

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 30, Term 3 1999

SCIS Subject Headings Book 4th edition SCIS Subject Headings List is the updated edition of the print publication that includes new subject headings and amendments to existing headings. It is available only from Curriculum Corporation and is in paperback format. This is an essential tool for a

Product review

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 12, Term 1 1995

As part of the VOYAGER implementation, Curriculum Corporation has also developed a communications software that will enable easier access to the SCIS database via Voyager. Curriculum Corporation has listened to its Users who have been requesting that the access to SCIS had to be as easy as possib

Website and app reviews

By Nigel Paull

Issue 114, Term 3 2020

for K–12 students, teachers and parents to support social and emotional wellbeing in learning communities during the COVID-19 outbreak and beyond. SCIS no: 1964946 Smartcopying: COVID-19 copyright issues This official guide to copyright has been published by t

Website and app reviews

By Nigel Paull

Issue 115, Term 4 2020

lating to the workings of parliament. Features include a virtual reality tour, outreach programs, videos, a role-play and an interactive timeline. SCIS no: 1981836 Museum of Australian Democracy: Digital Excursions The Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD) at Old Parliam

Introducing Cheryl

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 29, Term 2 1999

Cherryl Schauder has recently joined the SCIS team as National Cataloguing and Metadata Coordinator. Her main role involves the application and development of standards for enhancing the quality of the SCIS database. One of Cherryl's first tasks is to coordinate the revision work for the fourth edi

Issue 67 Summary

By Editor

Issue 67, Term 4 2008

century: Part 2 – Time and workload Barbara Combes, Edith Cowan University Internetting corner Nigel Paull, South Grafton Primary School, NSW SCIS handy hint SCIS news New and revised subject headings Information literacy, Web 2.0 and graphic novels Via Curriculum and Leadershi

Issue 65 Summary

By Editor

Issue 65, Term 2 2008

the latest in library technology Greg Worrell, Dandenong High School, VIC Internetting corner Nigel Paull, South Grafton Primary School, NSW SCISWeb handy hints SCIS news New and revised subject headings Policy support for school libraries Anne Chowne, St Michael's Primary Sch

Issue 54 Summary

By Editor

Issue 54, Term 3 2005

My neighbourhood – our neighbourhood Martin Stone, Curriculum Corporation Internetting corner Nigel Paull, South Grafton Primary School, NSW SCISWeb handy hints New and revised subject headings Cataloguing for non-cataloguers: the truth about subject headings Ray Cotsell, SCIS