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Issue 81 Summary

By Anthea Amos

A summary of all the articles featured in Issue 81 of Connections.

Please note this issue of Connections is only available in PDF format.

Articles in this issue include:

QR codes and iPads in the library
Narelle Keen, Pacific Lutheran College

Libraries in the cloud
Doug Johnson, Mankato Schools

Social media and schools as professional learning communities
Kay Cantwell, Brisbane Catholic Education

Website reviews
Nigel Paull, South Grafton Public School, NSW

Advocating for librarians – as opposed to libraries
Stephen Abram, Gale Cengage Learning

SCIS professional learning
Pru Mitchell, Education Services Australia

National Year of Reading
Sue McKerracher, The Library Agency

SCIS is more...
Pam Kadow, Education Services Australia

Educational Lending Right
Anthea Amos, Education Services Australia

Anthea Amos

Editor, Connections