Issue 35
Term 4 2000
SCISWEB Handy Hints
1. Website catalogue records for downloading
Recently SCIS has catalogued a large number of websites suitable for use in schools. Lists of these websites (eg Planets and the solar system, Australian politics and government, Website design and construction) are located at <>. Although it is usual to search SCIS OPAC for such titles, these alphabetical listings may be of value to Teacher Librarians who choose to download the catalogue records for all websites on a particular topic. We have set up a process which allows SCISWeb customers to download the records easily and quickly. We advise customers to consult user groups or library software system support if they have any queries about importing catalogue records of websites into their library system.
The SCIS cataloguing agency in Western Australia has compiled a list of all the websites that have been catalogued. This list is located at <>. As a trial the agency will also publish a list of the websites catalogued in the previous week, at <>.
2. New version of SCISWeb
We have recently launched a new version of SCISWeb. The new version removes redundant buttons, simplifies the order file information and provides an option to download a true USMARC file. This enables those users who have previously been unable to download SCISWeb records into their library system to do so. The new version displays both Statistics and Not Matched Orders data in the Results column. There is also an updated version of the Online Manual available which you may wish to download for handy reference. We also remind customers to connect to (or bookmark) SCISWeb from the SCISWeb Message Centre page <> rather than encounter cache problems by connecting directly to SCISWeb pages. Please contact SCIS customer support staff by email at: <[email protected]>; or by telephone on: 1800 337 405 (outside Melbourne Metropolitan area) or +61 3 9207 9600 if you require any further information.
3. New SCIS OPAC feature
A new feature of SCIS OPAC is the History button, which provides a list of your searches in the current session. When you log onto SCISWeb for a new session, the History button is not displayed until you execute your first search and then it remains active until you close the browser. The searches listed in History operate as links that you may use if you choose to revisit the search. However, if you re-execute a search from the History button the Limits currently in effect will operate. You will need to clear all limits or reset them to those chosen for the original search.