Showing 61 - 80 of 214 results for Cataloguing

Issue 44 Summary

By Editor

Issue 44, Term 1 2003

dium for the Message Maureen Gustus, Curriculum Corporation. MindMatters National Professional Development Program Jeremy Hurley, MindMatters Cataloguing and Database News Cataloguing Update

Issue 40 Summary

By Editor

Issue 40, Term 1 2002

g Graeme Williams, Curriculum Corporation Learning for the Future: Worth the Involvement Leonie Dyason, Mooroopna Secondary College, VIC SCIS Cataloguing: Policy and Practice Mavis Heffernan, Statewide School Library Support Centre, VIC CC News SCIS: Curriculum-Related Electronic Res

Catalguing News

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 33, Term 2 2000

information. 3. New, amended, replaced subject headings Below is a list of new subject headings created at recent meetings of the national SCIS Cataloguing Agencies. Anabolic steroids BT Drugs Drugs and sport Goods and services tax May subdiv. geog. UF GST Value added tax VAT BT

New Generation SCIS Products

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 23, Term 4 1997

ide schools with easier access to the SCIS bibliographic database of approximately 600,000 records, but also enable the downloading of unlimited SCIS cataloguing records in USMARC format. For further information, please refer to the 1998 SCIS Subscription Form. Changes to 1998 SCIS Subscriptions

Product Changes for 1993

By Lance Deveson

Issue 8, Term 4 1993

ollowing CARD products WILL NOT be available to order from Curriculum Corporation: Victorian Card Catalogue Options: Simplified DOC Picture Story Cataloguing and Simplified Fiction. Subject Authority Cards In addition the following products WILL NOT be available as part of the ASCISRECON p

SCIS Standards Amendment

By Ellen Paxton

Issue 7, Term 3 1993

At a recent meeting held between members of the SCIS cataloguing agencies it was decided that a special book number ABL would be assigned to materials about Australian Aborigines whose book number would normally be ABO. The change is a response to concerns raised by teachers and members of the Ab

In this Issue

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 5, Term 1 1993

l as an overview of the ONline/ONdisc conference held in Sydney during January 1993. In addition, Connections commences a regular column addressing cataloguing issues and introduces a new current awareness service. Your contributions are invited, either in the form of an article sharing your exp

How does the information get onto the SCIS database?

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 2, Term 2 1992

Have you ever wondered how the records magically materialise onto the SCIS database? There are actually nine cataloguing agencies throughout Australia inputting data. Agencies currently exist in South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales, ACT, Victoria, Tasm

New Generation SCIS Products (Continued)

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 23, Term 4 1997

manually enter them into Voyager. The order numbers are automatically checked against the SCIS database and an online order is placed for the matched cataloguing records. Press 'Fl' to confirm the order. The ordered cataloguing records will be returned to you in the mail. SCIS Cataloguing Mi

News from the Information Program

By Lance Deveson

Issue 10, Term 3 1994

SCIS Full Cataloguing Microfiche Searching the Full Cataloguing Microfiche provides users with complete detailed cataloguing information as well as the SCIS order number for each record. The records appear as catalogue cards on the microfiche and are arranged by main entry (name, title). Order

What's New?

By Nigel Paull

Issue 28, Term 1 1999

Schools Catalogue Information Service Standards for Cataloguing and Data Entry Curriculum Corporation has published a new edition of this book, which is used by the cataloguers in the SCIS Cataloguing agencies around Australia to ensure consistency when adding bibliographic records to the SCIS

SCIS is more

By Pru Mitchell

Issue 90, Term 3 2014

RDA implementation update Implementation of the new cataloguing standard, Resource Description and Access (RDA), has been delayed until 2015. This means that the GMD and the 260 publication field will continue to be delivered in SCIS records as well as the new RDA fields of content type, media ty

Issue 42 Summary

By Editor

Issue 42, Term 3 2002

ville Hall Participation in Expert Focus Groups and User Focus Groups for The Le@rning Federation Margery Hornibrook, The Le@rning Federation. Cataloguing and Database News SCIS New Zealand National Library Bibliographic Records Project Rosemary Dearman, New Zealand retrospective catalog

Thank You

By Nigel Paull

Issue 25, Term 2 1998

uch with Teacher Librarian needs. Strong support was given to a focus on library management issues, information management (including perspectives on cataloguing), and Internet knowledge and skills. Many respondents wanted us to ensure that Teacher Librarians continue to write articles. In this is

Microfiche Problems

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 7, Term 3 1993

The June update of the Full Cataloguing Microfiche created many problems for subscribers to that fiche. DATACOM, Curriculum Corporation's microfiche bureau is constantly trying new ways to improve the quality of the microfiche, but, in June got it wrong. In an effort to improve the readability of t

In This Issue

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 2, Term 2 1992

f an innovative use of networked CD-ROMs by Andrew Perry at Vermont Primary School. Other articles include: all you ever wanted to know about how the cataloguing agencies actually work; some tips on how to use the SCIS bulletin board and electronic mail facility; and some sad news at the cessation o

Issue 37 Summary

By Editor

Issue 37, Term 2 2001

Baran, SCIS Internetting corner Nigel Paull, South Grafton Primary School Management of electronic resources Kerry Tanner, RMIT University Cataloguing news

In This Issue

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 1, Term 1 1992

these technologies, nor is technical expertise. Your contributions are welcomed. The newsletter also provides information about the new ABBREVIATED CATALOGUING MICROFICHE and a review of SEARCH. We also include some tips for effective use of SCIS Dial-Up. In future issues we will include letters t

Videorecordings and SCIS

By Anne Dowling

Issue 29, Term 2 1999

SCIS records for videorecordings follow the rules for cataloguing set out in the Anglo-American cataloguing rules (1988 revision) (AACR). The AACR lists the different locations from which the title of a videorecording can be taken and ranks the locations in order of preference. The order is: th

News from Curriculum Corporation

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 20, Term 1 1997

1997 SCIS Subscriptions Has your school library subscribed to the Schools Cataloguing Information Service (SOS) for 1997 yet? If the answer · is 'no' and you would like a copy of the 1997 SCIS Subscription Form or further information on any of the SCIS products/ services, please contact Curriculu