Showing 241 - 260 of 757 results for Q


By Nigel Paull

Issue 30, Term 3 1999

ressive in its simplicity, as is the treatment of the training market. His overview of the National Training Packages, key components of the NTF, is equally clear and concise. Keating's work has particular application to the school sector because it consistently attempts, usually successfully, to

Books Aren't Dead!

By Staff Methodist Ladies College

Issue 30, Term 3 1999

'While it may please hardware and software companies to fill classrooms with computers before teachers are prepared or inclined to use them with frequency and good intentions, it is bad policy and worse economics. We have been spending too much money on infrastructure and equipment. .. too little

What's New?

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 30, Term 3 1999

SCIS Subject Headings Book 4th edition SCIS Subject Headings List is the updated edition of the print publication that includes new subject headings and amendments to existing headings. It is available only from Curriculum Corporation and is in paperback format. This is an essential tool for a

The Listserv for Australian Teacher Librarians

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 30, Term 3 1999

artmental policies, practices and procedures; location and use of Internet resources; information literacy issues, programs and strategies; reference questions for teachers and students; products and services for school libraries; general discussion of Teacher Librarianship issues; training tips and

Online Encyclopaedias

By Nigel Paull

Issue 30, Term 3 1999

he major encyclopaedia publishers offering their products on line. There are, of course, other onl ine encyclopaedias of a more specialised nature. A quick search of the Internet reveals a range, from The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, to the unauthorised Online Encyclopaedia of Disney Animat

Venturing Out on the NSW Board of Studies Website

By Louise Bidenko

Issue 30, Term 3 1999

teachers. The final syllabus and the twenty-eight units of work, which accompany the syllabus, were released at the beginning of 1999. A resounding request from teachers and Teacher Librarians during the syllabus development and consultation process was the need for subject specific information to s

Cataloguing News

By Anne Dowling

Issue 30, Term 3 1999

l Peoples When the Stolen Generations report was catalogued, the subject headings available in the SCIS subject headings list were found to be inadequate. A major revision of the headings for Aboriginal peoples began. The first step was to consult the Aboriginal Education Officers in the Curriculu

Metadata and Marc

By Keith Gove

Issue 29, Term 2 1999

he World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). They undertook this work in response to a demand for a censorship rating system. It became obvious that the techniques being developed for selective resource suppression could be equally effective for selective resource discovery. W3C combined with OCLC (Online Ce

1999 SCIS Conference Report: Planning for 1999-2000

By Kevin Grove

Issue 29, Term 2 1999

lved, and that it is now appropriate to look at maximising the usefulness and value for money of the service. The Conference focused on three themes: quality, customer service, and cost effectiveness; and discussed a number of enhancements to the service and several service management issues. A tr

Handy Hints for SCISWeb

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 29, Term 2 1999

Identifying the Problem Before calling SCIS Customer Service with a query, try identifying issues which may be relevant to your problem. This will help you to understand whether the problem you are experiencing is a SCIS problem. Develop a checklist of questions as part of your library proced

Videorecordings and SCIS

By Anne Dowling

Issue 29, Term 2 1999

SCIS records for videorecordings follow the rules for cataloguing set out in the Anglo-American cataloguing rules (1988 revision) (AACR). The AACR lists the different locations from which the title of a videorecording can be taken and ranks the locations in order of preference. The order is: th

Introducing Cheryl

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 29, Term 2 1999

the SCIS team as National Cataloguing and Metadata Coordinator. Her main role involves the application and development of standards for enhancing the quality of the SCIS database. One of Cherryl's first tasks is to coordinate the revision work for the fourth edition of SCIS Subject Headings, which w

CC News

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 29, Term 2 1999

SCIS and Security Schools are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that when they download catalogue records from SCIS, the records are used only in their school. Curriculum Corporation recently initiated audit processes which provided us with information about SCIS users and usage

Internetting Corner

By Nigel Paull

Issue 29, Term 2 1999

activities. recipes. research topics , puules and display suggestions. Bookmark the site for updates and for searchiRQ the links it contains. Alexander Graham Bell - The Inventor 1/bel I/ invent


By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 29, Term 2 1999

n the field of technology is always fraught with danger. Indeed, most schools would have some software or hardware that didn't fulfil its promise and quickly became obsolete. In this article the author doesn't make wild predictions but rather looks at emerging trends that are taking place with PCs.

What's New?

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 29, Term 2 1999

ALIA Merit Award Congratulations to Michelle Ellis, Senior Curriculum Advisor. Library and I nformation Literacy, with the NSW Department of Educat i on and Training (Michelle is also the Manager of the New South Wales SC IS

Bollards to you too: ASLA XVI Conference Report

By Nigel Paull, Wendy Smith, Kevin Gove

Issue 28, Term 1 1999

e speaker, Mai Lee, offered Teacher Librarians a strategy for preventing their decline into 'endangered species' status. Other speakers echoed the unique position Teacher Librarians have as the initiators of change within their schools. Pam Berger introduced us to Socrates, a student of the year 2

Welcome to 1999

By Kevin Gove

Issue 28, Term 1 1999

Welcome to the first edition of Connections for this last year of the millennium. What will the next one bring? I am not silly enough to try to predict. But I find an interesting litmus test for social and political issues is to ask: What will people in 2099 think of our era? By what good deeds wou

ASLA XVI Conference

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 28, Term 1 1999

excellent opportunity for professional development for Teacher Librarians. We hope to see many more attending the next ASLA conference, to be held in Queensland in 2001.

CC News

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 28, Term 1 1999

SCIS products available Curriculum Corporation has the following products available for use in libraries. To order please send a cheque with an official school purchase order form. Banksia Wave Modem Curriculum Corporation, in cooperation with All Barcodes Australia, is able to offer custom