ASLA XVI Conference

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

All SCIS staff attended ASLA's 'Bytes, Books and Bollards by the Bay: Information Management for the third millennium' Conference, held in Geelong in January 1999. It was an excellent opportunity for us to represent Curriculum Corporation and also be involved in the various sessions as part of our ongoing individual professional development in the field of librarianship.

Our expectations were certainly met as it proved to be an enlightening conference with keynote addresses and a wide range of exciting and thought-provoking workshops. The highlight for the SCIS team was the excellent opportunity to meet face-to-face with people who we usually only speak to on the telephone. The feedback received will be invaluable in assisting us to continue to deliver an outstanding service for all Teacher Librarians across Australia.

SCIS provided sponsorship for a keynote speaker, Professor Denise Bradley, the Vice Chancellor and President from the University of South Australia. She delivered the SCIS oration on the topic 'Working partnerships: Schooling, libraries and the information age'.

We highly recommend attending the ASLA conference as an excellent opportunity for professional development for Teacher Librarians. We hope to see many more attending the next ASLA conference, to be held in Queensland in 2001.

Schools Catalogue Information Service