Showing 201 - 220 of 369 results for teacher

To inspire or to instruct

By Ta'afuli Andrew Fiu

Issue 91, Term 4 2014

During May and June this year, I travelled Australia as part of the Positive Schools Initiative to speak and network with teachers and educators. Doing so provided an insightful introduction to what teachers are thinking and drew thousands to Fremantle, Brisbane, Melbourne, and Sydney. The convent

Website and app reviews

By Nigel Paull

Issue 100, Term 1 2017

100 and not out The 100th issue of Connections is a milestone for SCIS, its parent company Education Services Australia, and teacher librarians. My involvement with Connections dates back to 1997 when Lance Deveson, the SCIS manager at the time, asked me to be the editor. I had been involved

Librarians in the digital age: experts in e-health

By Susan Marshall

Issue 101, Term 2 2017

with others. This exhilarating, instantaneous, results-driven phenomenon has resulted in both benefits and challenges for the digital novice, be that teacher or student. Of central importance to librarians is teaching the skill of evaluating online websites. In a world of ‘fake news’, misleading in

Internetting Corner

By Nigel Paull

Issue 32, Term 1 2000

s or simply browsing the well organised sub sections. SCIS 990138 BBC Schools Online Aimed at students, teachers and parents this encompassing UK site includes primary and secondary curriculum material, news and resources. At the time of review, Michael

Cataloguing News

By Cherryl Schauder

Issue 32, Term 1 2000

gnalled for ongoing and further review. Over time the list will benefit enormously from ever-increasing dialogue between the cataloguing agencies and Teacher Librarians. This two-way communication process is steadily being enhanced by information technologies both in schools and in the SCIS agencies

Internetting Corner

By Nigel Paull

Issue 33, Term 2 2000

s/-anne/culture_of _peace. html> The year 2000 has been selected by the United Nations as the International Year for the Culture of Peace. To assist Teacher Librarians locate resources, the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) has created this website, with links to a variety of

Internetting Corner

By Nigel Paull

Issue 34, Term 3 2000

Australian Science Teachers Association Published by the Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA) this website includes links, services, publications, projects and forthcoming activities for science teachers in primary schools, high schools and tertiary ins

Letters to the Editor

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 18, Term 3 1996

de regular orders for machine readable records via RECON. Then, early in 1996, along came this new-fangled system called VOYAGER! I was not a happy teacher /librarian, faced with having to learn to use a new search system, especially on top of all the other changes I was confronted with at the tim

Selections of an Automated System

By Rosemary Abbott

Issue 7, Term 3 1993

to review many manual procedures with a view to replacing them with automated ones. It can no longer be considered appropriate that those trained as teacher-librarians can spend their time on 'housekeeping' functions. Automation of school libraries is now seen as not so much a matter of whether o

International Association for School Libraries Conference Report

By Jenny Ryan

Issue 35, Term 4 2000

n when listening to the lack of support offered to those in other countries. At least we have electricity and toilets in most of our schools! We have Teacher Librarian education programs of the highest standard, school libraries in almost all of our schools, and a commitment by most education system

lnternetting Corner

By Nigel Paull

Issue 35, Term 4 2000

r biomes will find extensive links to information regarding the tundra, taiga, deciduous and broad leaf forests, tropical savannas and desert scrubs. Teachers could incorporate material from the modules into their own teaching units. SCIS 1018159 Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex htlp:

Authority File Maintenance - An Ongoing Task

By Carolyn Brown and Jane Withers

Issue 36, Term 1 2001

ve to a new library system we decided that our data should be as 'clean' as possible for the data conversion process. But we realised that, like most Teacher Librarians, we had been so busy adding data we had not taken the time to check it thoroughly. Before we began this process we met as a team

Outsourcing: time for a new look?

By Sarah Menzies

Issue 111, Term 4 2019

rays a crisis, with many libraries starved of funding. An Australian Council for Educational Research report shows the large decline in the number of teacher librarians in primary schools. SLANZA’s 2018 survey of New Zealand school libraries revealed that one-third had budgets cut in the previous

Language, literature and literacy during COVID-19 and beyond

By Annette Wagner

Issue 114, Term 3 2020

s moved to the digital space, changing the perception of online learning tools. Annette Wagner, Creative Director of Story Box Library, discusses how teachers have embraced digital learning practices and online tools, including storytelling tools. During isolation, educators have used digital too

Supporting Australian book creators

By Sally Rippin

Issue 115, Term 4 2020

e, ready to start Year 8, I had already been to seven different schools and lived in as many cities. No matter where we were living, our mother – a teacher – always ensured we had a constant supply of reading material. Some of these books we would lug about with us from place to place, but books a

Six ways to focus on wellbeing in your school

By Nicole Richardson

Issue 118, TERM 3 2021

hard-hit areas like Victoria that have faced lengthy lockdowns and fluctuating restrictions, have taken a strain on the mental health of students and teachers alike. Wellbeing takes many shapes and forms, but the pandemic has drawn our attention to building resilience in the face of adversity. Lyn

Library makerspaces: revolution or evolution?

By Chris Harte

Issue 97, Term 2 2016

erspace resides at St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School in Corinda, Queensland, which was the recipient of Australia’s Favourite School Library in 2014. Teacher librarians Jackie Child and Megan Daley established a space to provide their students with authentic problems to solve, and the tools required

Engaging girls in STEM

By Pru Mitchell

Issue 95, Term 4 2015

advice. In their educational institutions it was often regarded as atypical for girls to be interested in these subjects, and both the curriculum and teachers were identified as potential factors. The public image of the ICT profession was an issue, seen as having an alienating culture, involving co

Genrefying the fiction collection

By Susan Davenport

Issue 102, Term 3 2017

ystem. Lyn Hay presented a timely Syba Academy seminar, ‘Rethinking the collection: principles and practice for 21C school libraries’, and our four teacher librarians were given the opportunity to attend. As the reasoning for genrefication unfolded, it was clear that we were on the cusp, and hadn’

CC News

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 25, Term 2 1998

nal Council of Independent Schools. SCIS was established to provide a service with the aim of reducing the cost and duplication of effort required by Teacher Librarians in cataloguing resources in schools. It costs over $1 million annually to run SCIS. In most state education departments, a SCIS Age