Issue 33
Term 2 2000
Internetting Corner
The following websites can be easily accessed on the Internet via the links found on Curriculum Corporation's Connections website for Issue No. 33. <http://www. curriculum. edu. au/scis/ connect/connect.him>.
Archives of Australia
Australian archive related sites and resources are available from this website, jointly developed by the National Archives of Australia, the various State and Territory archives and other significant archives. Additional links are available to international archive sites. SCIS: 995727
Cells Alive!
The life, death and interaction of a large variety of cells are displayed using a visually stunning combination of different types of photography (biocams and micrographs), diagrams, animation and text. SCIS: 995758
Food Safety Net -Education Pages
Most aspects of food safety and handling are addressed on this Australian website which is administered by the Food Safety Campaign Group. Content includes information about food-based diseases, additional resources, and industry links. SCIS: 995791
International Year for the Culture of Peace
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The year 2000 has been selected by the United Nations as the International Year for the Culture of Peace. To assist Teacher Librarians locate resources, the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) has created this website, with links to a variety of international curriculum units. SCIS: 995800
[email protected]
This offering from the National Geographic Society will appeal to geography students or those with an interest in cartography The software underpinning the site enables users to load a variety of map types (for example, satellite, atlas), to zoom in or out, and add additional data. Flags and facts for 191 countries are also available. SCIS: 996052
Math in Daily Life
Probability, ratios and exponential growth are related to real world settings to assist secondary students to understand the importance and relevance of mathematics in their daily lives. SCIS: 995830
National Science -Technology Roadshow
Information on the careers and achievements of ten of New Zealand's scientists and technologists is available from this site. Classroom activities and the relationship to the New Zealand Curriculum Framework Document are included. This URL has a redirection on it to< http://>. SCIS: 995836
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The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Website (NATSIEW) includes an extensive database of culturally appropriate resources that can be searched on line. The site is an initiative of the National Coordinators of Aboriginal Education. SCIS: 995837
No Bully-Guidelines for Teachers
Part of a comprehensive site regarding bullying, bullies and victims, this information is pertinent to teachers wishing to implement whole school change to alleviate the problem. SCIS: 995861
New Zealand Ministry of Education
This recently redeveloped site includes information and links to official policy, learning areas, Maori education, special education, employment, research and publications. SCIS: 995910
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Aimed at NSW K-6 teachers who are introducing the new Board of Studies HSIE (Human Society and Its Environment) syllabus, this site is of potential use to other education systems where similar topics are covered. A variety of units are available that can be modified for individual school needs. Topics include Bali, gold, government, shelter, Antarctica, rainforests and early settlement. SCIS: 995908
Pirates!: Fact
Almost everything primary and junior secondary students would want to know about pirates is contained in this encompassing site. Content includes maps, bibliography, types of piracy, facts and legends, literature and general history. SCIS: 995934
Stories of the Dreaming
A collaborative site developed by the Australian Museum and Australia's Cultural Network that contains stories from the culture of indigenous Australians. The significant aspects of storytelling and custodianship are explained and the stories are available in text, audio and video formats. SCIS: 995941
Reviewed by Nigel Paull, South Grafton PS.
The websites abstracted in lntemetting Comer are often of a professional nature and should be initially viewed by teachers and Teacher Librarians to determine suitability for students. Remember the links, content and even the address of a site may change quickly