Showing 201 - 220 of 393 results for SCIS

Issue 53 Summary

By Editor

Issue 53, Term 2 2005

s with curriculum Robyn Philip and Donna Gibbs, Macquarie University, NSW Internetting corner Nigel Paull, South Grafton Primary School, NSW SCISWeb handy hints SCIS news New and revised subject headings Cataloguing for non-cataloguers: authors Ray Cotsell, SCIS Unbeatable

Issue 51 Summary

By Editor

Issue 51, Term 4 2004

nnovative Educational Resource Brian Shepherd, Edith Cowan University, WA Internetting corner Nigel Paull, South Grafton Primary School, NSW SCISWeb handy hints SCIS news New and revised subject headings History and All That – Classifying in the 900s Ray Cotsell, SCIS Educa

Issue 46 Summary

By Editor

Issue 46, Term 3 2003

is only available in PDF format. Articles in this issue include: Principals’ Support of School Libraries Gary Hartzell, via ERIC Digest SCISWeb handy hints Authority Control Leonie Bourke, SCIS CC NEWS ELR School Library Survey News Bridie Mackay, Educational Lending Righ

Issue 44 Summary

By Editor

Issue 44, Term 1 2003

s only available in PDF format. Articles in this issue include: Partners in Curriculum Renewal Jane Connolly, Brisbane Catholic Education SCISWeb handy hints ELR School Library Survey Update Bridie Mackay, Educational Lending Right School Library Survey New State Library of Sout

Issue 41 Summary

By Editor

Issue 41, Term 2 2002

e: Promote or Perish: Developing a Public Relations Plan for Your School Library Jane Viner and Amanda Lucas, Methodist Ladies’ College, VIC SCISWeb handy hints Catalogue Records for Television Programs Do You Treat Yourself Professionally? June Wall, Australian School Library Ass

Connections for the Future

By Kevin Grove

Issue 25, Term 2 1998

Curriculum Corporation sees its role as supporting Teacher Librarians (schools' information professionals) by providing information services such as SCIS. Connections is an extension of that support. Please let us know how we can improve this or other services. In the future, Connections will inc

Post Modernism and the Shelf Ready Item

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 31, Term 4 1999

The involvement of SCIS with Campion Education in providing shelf ready books to schools with catalogue records is outlined in an article written by Wilma Kurvink (Director of Library Services) and Marie Turnbull (Technical Services Librarian) at Wesley College, Melbourne. The authors state: 'O

CC News

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 32, Term 1 2000

ry 1, 2000 was much different to December 31, 1999, except perhaps for the hangover. In the first edition of Connections last year I indicated that SCIS' 'new age' had already arrived. Last year was the first time that we offered only the SCISWeb and SCISCO products. Subscriptions to SCIS increase

From the Executive Director

By David Francis

Issue 3, Term 3 1992

Our readers are advised that further to an article on SCIS in Vol 6 No 3 of ACCESS, we have accepted their invitation to provide a contribution to the journal. As we consider CONNECTIONS to be our major communication with

New Software and Communications

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 3, Term 3 1992

Curriculum Corporation has commenced the search to replace the current software system onto which the SCIS database is mounted. This software will include a number of new features including AUSTPAC access. Schools considering investigating an AUSTPAC licence should wait until Curriculum Corporati

A day in the life of ...

By Bridie Mackay

Issue 35, Term 4 2000

the development of my own personal skills, which give me the confidence to problem solve independently whenever I can. When I began my position in SCIS customer support in 1999, I was reminded of my own first call to a helpline and my bewilderment at facing those alien technologies. I recognise t

Issue 36 Summary

By Editor

Issue 36, Term 1 2001

Edwina Marshall, Curriculum Corporation Authority file maintenance – an ongoing task Carolyn Brown, Jane Withers, St Margaret’s School, VIC SCISWeb handy hints CC news Content is king, but content management rules (part 2) Colin Bell, Concord Australia Implementing information

Website and app reviews

By Nigel Paull

Issue 98, Term 3 2016

poignant story from Nam Le, this multimedia adaptation offers insight into the Vietnamese refugee experience, and is suitable for secondary students. SCIS no. 1764455  Caring for your collections Emanating from the National Library of Ne

Website and app reviews

By Nigel Paull

Issue 99, Term 4 2016

the Vietnam War. Aspects of the conflict covered include combat, personnel, defoliation, conscription, public opinion, and the aftermath of the war. SCIS no. 1777662 Chromebooks in the classroom Noted educator Kathy Schrock provides comprehensive inform

Website and app reviews

By Nigel Paull

Issue 116, Term 1 2021

tudent-centred resources include critical thinking activities, quizzes, maps, videos, and learning resources related to the Australian Curriculum. SCIS no: 1990447 BEACH POLLUTION ENDS HERE For coastal communities, stormwater runoff – causing beach pollution – is

Website and app reviews

By Nigel Paull

Issue 122, Term 3 2022

Islander histories and cultures into their teaching’. The curriculum resources are searchable by KLA and the themes are water, fire and astronomy. SCIS no: 1992685 Bright Tomorrows Developed in partnership with the Minderoo Foun

CC News

By Graham Williams

Issue 26, Term 3 1998

Handy Hints SCISWeb Q: I currently browse the Internet using the 100 MHz Pentium PC in the library with a 33.6K modem but find it quite slow, sometimes painfully so. I am keen to use SCISWeb but wonder if I should upgrade my PC with more memory, a faster processor, a faster modem, or all or so

CC News Continued

By Graham Williams

Issue 26, Term 3 1998

companies selling automation software packages, it is most likely you will find a system to suit your school's needs and budget.e Duplicate ISBNs SCIS occasionally receives calls from Teacher Librarians advising us that we have assigned the wrong ISBN to a record, e.g. The TL has ordered by ISBN

In this Issue

By Heather Kelsall

Issue 12, Term 1 1995

spects of the Internet highlights two service providers who have responded to schools: there's sure to be others around Australia. 1995 schedules for SCIS Microfiche and ASCISRECON are included, a report on the Online On Disk Conference held in January and a review of 'Recipe book service of online

In this Issue

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 11, Term 4 1994

Voyager has landed! Glimpses of the new SCIS on-line interface, a review of the Herald-Sun on CD-ROM and a report on the recent Computer Education Group of Victoria conference with special reference to school library technology issues. This will be the final issue under my editorship. The new edi