Showing 181 - 200 of 369 results for teacher


By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 31, Term 4 1999

mation literate school community, the collection includes case studies, research and information pertaining to principals, professional associations, teachers and Teacher Librarians. The range of issues found in this timely work need to be read, digested, interpreted and implemented by all groups wi

Handy Hints

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 32, Term 1 2000

Cataloguing pictures and prints Did you know that SCIS catalogues pictures and prints? As these items do not have an ISBN Teacher Librarians need to locate the SCIS record number in the SCIS OPAC before they create or upload an order. When applying limits for pictures and prints in the SCIS OPAC,

What's New?

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 32, Term 1 2000

The following are some interesting websites which may be of particular interest to Teacher Librarians. The first site is CyberDewey/CyberDewey.htm I. This site lists internet sites organised using Dewey Decimal Classification numbers. The front page displays the

A Question of Technology?

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 33, Term 2 2000

Dr. Jamie McKenzie is well known to Australian teachers for his knowledge of information technologies in education and their potential to transform student learning, classrooms and schools. He supports student-centred, engaged learning, with his approach informed by 30 years of experience as a teac

Venturing Out on the NSW Board of Studies Website

By Louise Bidenko

Issue 30, Term 3 1999

which also exist in printed form. The Internet provides immediate access to syllabuses, papers and reports, and is proving a very popular service for teachers and librarians. However, what is being developed at present is a departure from the placement of documents on the website. Publishing of new

New Zealand News

By Jenny Carrol

Issue 19, Term 4 1996

we are not to be left behind. Our students are also being urged to take responsibility for their own learning and as Patricia Senn Breivik said the teacher is no longer seen as the sage on the stage but the guide on the side". Therefore the process of gathering and manipulating information becomes

New Zealand News

By Rosa-Jane French

Issue 17, Term 2 1996

igrants and students here for short term language courses. There are a variety of courses available at local and national levels for librarians and teacher-librarians. Some are formal and long term whilst others are short term and arranged on a needs basis. Courses are offered by a variety of prov

News from Curriculum Corporation

By Lance Deveson

Issue 14, Term 3 1995

ts and services will be held at 1995 prices. Please note, the subscription form will be addressed to the Principal with, " For the attention of the Teacher Librarian ", on the mailing label. Dates for 1996 The Summer edition of Connections (November) will include insert sheets of the following

A Masters - What's The Point?

By Jan Barnett

Issue 13, Term 2 1995

The benefits (for me): being current in my professional reading in education, teacher librarianship and librarianship; gaining a sense of achievement; having empathy with all students; improving my time management skills; having a current recognised qualification; being able to stud

Have You Read This?

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 13, Term 2 1995

f multimedia computers and CD ROMs within the classroom. Jon Madian evaluates their educational value in Multimedia -Why and why not. The Computing teacher. Vol. 22 No. 7. p:16. T /L's faced with providing staff inservice on the Internet could find the paper Training with the Web: Internet tr

Have You Read This?

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 12, Term 1 1995

has written the first of six articles on various aspects of the Internet. For those still hazy on the terminology, ownership, global networks, use to teachers, etc you will find this article most informative. Rosie Cross and Suzanne Fraser believe the Internet is dominated by males 'bent on confro

Cessation of CIN

By Warren Brewer

Issue 2, Term 2 1992

ACIN was deliberately conceived as a network with no centralised collections of materials and no systematic accessing of the data. It intended to put teachers and curriculum workers in touch with each other across the nation. That vision has only partially been realised and the challenge remains. AC

Improving Retrievability in School Libraries

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 35, Term 4 2000

SCIS is launching a new product, SCIS Authority Files, that will enhance retrievability in school catalogues. All Teacher Librarians know that searching in a library catalogue is not as simple a task as it may appear at first glance. While the modern automated catalogue supplies the user with a

Morris Gleitzman on the uniquely contributive role of school libraries

By Morris Gleitzman

Issue 109, Term 2 2019

had been very right to focus in that area — because these are difficult times in which some of the irreplaceable values of a good school library and teacher librarian are not as widely understood or prioritised as they have been in the past. My own initial focus as laureate was on the power of stor

The value of podcasts for school library staff

By Amy Hermon

Issue 110, Term 3 2019

is, the knowledge I have gleaned from fascinating author interviews and informative book reviews finds its way into my interactions with students and teachers throughout the day. As a dedicated podcast listener, I’ve learned to embrace my kryptonite and enjoyed finding ways to compensate and catch u

What the School Library Survey has taught me

By Jen Sheridan

Issue 117, Term 2 2021

ion specialists’, can offer. Here are just a few comments from the survey: ‘Instead of collaborating with only those who choose to work with the teacher librarian I’d like the school to build intentional, curriculum-based teaching programmes that incorporate information and digital literacy, li

Supporting learning: a digital collection tale

By Kathy Talbot

Issue 124, Term 1 2023

journey began to gain more traction as the pandemic hit our shores. Ideal circumstance? Definitely no! Timely? Yes! Approximately five years ago, the teacher librarians (TLs) embraced an added feature in our library management system (LMS) that allowed us to integrate physical and digital resources

School Library Spotlight: Evelyn Scott School

By Natalie Otten

Issue 125, Term 2 2023

tive Coach. I’ve not stepped out of the library, but sideways into a coaching role in the school, but still managing the library with a library tech (teacher in library) coming on board three days a week to assist me because we’re going to share the teaching load while she completes her masters. I’l

Cataloguing News: New, Amended, Replaced Subject Headings 1998

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 24, Term 1 1998


School library spotlight: Yarra Valley Grammar

By Dr Mark Merry, Miriam Meehan

Issue 112, Term 1 2020

ents are studying. We intend to enter into partnerships with universities, research groups, and consultants where they will come in and work with our teachers and students in joint research projects. We opened the building at the beginning of Term 2 this year. Already, we have one project underway