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What’s New

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 7, Term 3 1993

in, can be accessed via HELP. The default search mode is TOPIC search, although keyword boolean search can be selected. Having typed your search request a split screen is presented. The left hand side shows the outline of the first article while the right hand, two thirds of the screen shows the


By Nicole England

Issue 7, Term 3 1993

Included here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions over our Helpline: Q. How long will my ASCISRECON file take to be processed and returned to my school? A The tum around time for ASCISRECON is approximately two weeks from the actual processing date. The processing dates lis

SCIS Standards Amendment

By Ellen Paxton

Issue 7, Term 3 1993

At a recent meeting held between members of the SCIS cataloguing agencies it was decided that a special book number ABL would be assigned to materials about Australian Aborigines whose book number would normally be ABO. The change is a response to concerns raised by teachers and members of the Ab

New SCIS Headings

By Ellen Paxton

Issue 7, Term 3 1993

Revised SOVIET UNION REPUBLIC HEADINGS These headings, listed below, have recently been approved by the SCIS cataloguing agencies for publication in the forthcoming third edition of the SCIS Subject Headings List. Please feel free to add them to your existing catalogue. ARMENIA May be subdi

In this Issue

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 6, Term 2 1993

Curriculum Corporation makes an exciting announcement which concerns the delivery of service to us all. Makor library describes its unique service to the educational sector and describes how it can be accessed on-line. Another user of ASCISRECON shares her experience of the product. The pros and co

Another ASCISRECON Experience!

By Corinne O'Reilly

Issue 6, Term 2 1993

approached the task from a different angle to Angie. Our book stock had been catalogued by a number of different librarians over the years and consequently some of the books were entered under "unusual" call numbers. Although aware of the negative feedback from some librarians over ASCIS' own disc

New Directions for the Information Program

By Lance Deveson

Issue 6, Term 2 1993

atalogues. Library software packages have the capabilities to print out book catalogues when SCIS records are transferred to the system and lack of requests for microfiche catalogues does not warrant them continuing on to the new system. The supply of machine readable records through the ASCISRECO


By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 6, Term 2 1993

record is 15 cents per record, and the minimum order is 100 records. Records can be supplied on either 5.25" or 3.5" disks in IBM format. Schools requiring more information about ASCISRECON should contact Curriculum Corporation and an information brochure on the program will be sent out. ASCISRE

New Product Reviews

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 6, Term 2 1993

dated.) ABS data ranges from 1990-1992. The shareware software which was on the previous disk is no longer available, presumably as a response to the questionnaire sent out by Informit towards the end of 1992. Guidelines and Pinpointer, like the rest of the Informit family of disks operating on KA

What’s New

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 6, Term 2 1993

le provide access to INTERNET, the international bulletin board. If you would like to know more about INTERNET send for Craig Howley's article "Of ubiquity and the Internet", in Emergency Librarian, March -April, 1993, p 34. In the same edition of Emergency Librarian (p. 57-58) Anne Clyde continue

Jewish Resources On-Line at Makor

By Ros Collins

Issue 6, Term 2 1993

ernight courier services ensure that schools and individuals in even the most remote towns will receive materials promptly, and phone, mail and fax enquires are part of the daily routine. The objective of Makor Jewish Library is to provide a range of resources on Judaism, Jewish History and Cultur

New SCIS Subject Headings

By Ellen Paxton

Issue 6, Term 2 1993

Revised Soviet Union Republic Headings These headings, listed below, have recently been approved by the SCIS cataloguing agencies for publication in the forthcoming third edition of the SCIS subject Headings List. Please feel free to add them to your existing catalogue. ARMENIA May be subdi


By Nicole England

Issue 6, Term 2 1993

Which should I use when ordering through ASCISRECON? To order your records via ASCISRECON you mainly use either SCIS Order Numbers (AONs) or ISBNs, or a combination of both. ISBNs Ordering by ISBNs is not as reliable as ordering by SCIS Order Numbers (AONs) for the following reasons: IS

In this Issue

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 5, Term 1 1993

This year Connections will continue to address issues related to technology in libraries. In this issue, we feature an article on ASCISRECON as well as an overview of the ONline/ONdisc conference held in Sydney during January 1993. In addition, Connections commences a regular column addressing

My ASCISRECON Experience

By Angie Barillaro

Issue 5, Term 1 1993

the package and received it immediately. There was a detailed but simple handbook to go with it and I found Lance Deveson patient and helpful with my questions. So the program was loaded on and there it was -ASCISRECON at a touch. Because staff was minimal, I did not see the point of looking up AS


By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 5, Term 1 1993

ecord is 15 cents per record, and the minimum order is 1 00 records. Records can be supplied on either 5.25" or 3.5" disks in IBM format. Schools requiring more information about ASCISRECON should contact Curriculum Corporation and an information brochure on the program will be sent out. ASCIS R

Information Online and Ondisc 93

By Lance Deveson

Issue 5, Term 1 1993

e to try out some of the CD ROM products. Here I was able to try the different databases on disc offered by DIALOG and experience the searching techniques needed to retrieve the information, although to get access to the products meant forfeiting a workshop session such was the demand to try the pro

Have you not been able to find some recent resources on the SCIS Database?

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 5, Term 1 1993

The March Update (see calendar below for the date it should be at your school) will include an additional 7000 new titles added to the SCIS database through the efforts of the Western Australian Agency. The resource you were searching for but unable to locate may be included in the March Updates fo

The “Blue” (Subject Authority) Microfiche

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 5, Term 1 1993

also names of diseases, e.g. CANCER; etc. This instruction suggests that Anorexia or Anorexia Nervosa (which are allowable terms as defined by the Macquarie Dictionary) may well be valid headings but there still remains the question as to which is the preferred term. The subject Authority Microfiche

New Subject Headings

By Ellen Paxton

Issue 5, Term 1 1993

This information will now be regularly provided to Connections readers in this column. Below are a sample of some of the new subject headings which can be found in the latest SUBJECT HEADING AUTHORITY MICROFICHE or if you are using the SCIS Database on-line. Scope notes that will appear in t