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What’s New
By Dianne Lewis
Issue 7, Term 3 1993
k dictionary. It was easy to install and simple to use. It incorporates a tutorial which can be used first, or for the impatient like me, who jump straight in, can be accessed via HELP. The default search mode is TOPIC search, although keyword boolean search can be selected. Having typed your sear
By Nicole England
Issue 7, Term 3 1993
Included here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions over our Helpline: Q. How long will my ASCISRECON file take to be processed and returned to my school? A The tum around time for ASCISRECON is approximately two weeks from the actual processing date. The processing dates lis
SCIS Standards Amendment
By Ellen Paxton
Issue 7, Term 3 1993
umber ABL would be assigned to materials about Australian Aborigines whose book number would normally be ABO. The change is a response to concerns raised by teachers and members of the Aboriginal community that the ABO abbreviation is demeaning and degrading. Existing SCIS records affected by th
New SCIS Headings
By Ellen Paxton
Issue 7, Term 3 1993
viet Union (1922-1991) see SOVIET UNION and its subdivisions. See also the names of subjects with the subdivision ARMENIAN, as appropriate. AZERBAIJAN May be subdivided like AUSTRALIA except for the period subdivisions of history. For works on Azerbaijan as part of the Soviet Union (1922-1
In this Issue
By Dianne Lewis
Issue 6, Term 2 1993
continue to provide current awareness of interesting articles and reviews of new products. Your contributions, letters, comments, requests or complaints are invited.
Another ASCISRECON Experience!
By Corinne O'Reilly
Issue 6, Term 2 1993
ke Angie, we drew books from the shelves a few at a time, but we also used this opportunity to weed stock, barcode the books and check for general repairs. The book was then researched on the ASCIS micro-fiche, and a written record made of the ASCIS order number, the barcode we had attached to the b
New Directions for the Information Program
By Lance Deveson
Issue 6, Term 2 1993
on CD-ROM, and a more cost efficient communications system. By the start of the 1994 school year the current list of products and services will be available to users, but a development schedule for new products will be in place. Following a recent two-day planning session with Ferntree Computer C
By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
Issue 6, Term 2 1993
catalogues to an Automated system via Machine Readable Records. The program is designed to run on IBM or IBM compatible computers. The program is available for $140.00 as a once only purchase. The cost per record is 15 cents per record, and the minimum order is 100 records. Records can be supplied
New Product Reviews
By Dianne Lewis
Issue 6, Term 2 1993
ter to May 1992 (it is currently being updated.) ABS data ranges from 1990-1992. The shareware software which was on the previous disk is no longer available, presumably as a response to the questionnaire sent out by Informit towards the end of 1992. Guidelines and Pinpointer, like the rest of the
What’s New
By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
Issue 6, Term 2 1993
BBSs mentioned in that article provide access to INTERNET, the international bulletin board. If you would like to know more about INTERNET send for Craig Howley's article "Of ubiquity and the Internet", in Emergency Librarian, March -April, 1993, p 34. In the same edition of Emergency Librarian (p
Jewish Resources On-Line at Makor
By Ros Collins
Issue 6, Term 2 1993
locations. Overnight courier services ensure that schools and individuals in even the most remote towns will receive materials promptly, and phone, mail and fax enquires are part of the daily routine. The objective of Makor Jewish Library is to provide a range of resources on Judaism, Jewish Hist
New SCIS Subject Headings
By Ellen Paxton
Issue 6, Term 2 1993
viet Union (1922-1991) see SOVIET UNION and its subdivisions. See also the names of subjects with the subdivision ARMENIAN, as appropriate. AZERBAIJAN May be subdivided as was AUSTRALIA except for the period subdivisions of history. For works on AZERBAIJAN as part of the Soviet Union (1922
By Nicole England
Issue 6, Term 2 1993
Which should I use when ordering through ASCISRECON? To order your records via ASCISRECON you mainly use either SCIS Order Numbers (AONs) or ISBNs, or a combination of both. ISBNs Ordering by ISBNs is not as reliable as ordering by SCIS Order Numbers (AONs) for the following reasons: IS
In this Issue
By Dianne Lewis
Issue 5, Term 1 1993
This year Connections will continue to address issues related to technology in libraries. In this issue, we feature an article on ASCISRECON as well as an overview of the ONline/ONdisc conference held in Sydney during January 1993. In addition, Connections commences a regular column addressing
My ASCISRECON Experience
By Angie Barillaro
Issue 5, Term 1 1993
so much data entry. There had to be an easier way, and there was ... ASCISRECON! I ordered the package and received it immediately. There was a detailed but simple handbook to go with it and I found Lance Deveson patient and helpful with my questions. So the program was loaded on and there it was
By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
Issue 5, Term 1 1993
catalogues to an Automated system via Machine Readable Records. the program is designed to run on IBM or IBM compatible computers. The program is available for $140.00 as a once only purchase. The cost per record is 15 cents per record, and the minimum order is 1 00 records. Records can be supplie
Information Online and Ondisc 93
By Lance Deveson
Issue 5, Term 1 1993
year the trend towards Electronic Publishing. The conference is a mixture of keynote sessions , workshop sessions on a variety of topics and a trade fair. As the Conference has become bigger so has the organisers' ability increased to attract overseas presenters and keynote speakers. This year was
Have you not been able to find some recent resources on the SCIS Database?
By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
Issue 5, Term 1 1993
The March Update (see calendar below for the date it should be at your school) will include an additional 7000 new titles added to the SCIS database through the efforts of the Western Australian Agency. The resource you were searching for but unable to locate may be included in the March Updates fo
The “Blue” (Subject Authority) Microfiche
By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
Issue 5, Term 1 1993
OFICHE and is produced 4 times each year. It seems that many librarians do not fully understand the purpose of this microfiche and are therefore not gaining maximum benefit from its use. What does it do? The Subject Authority microfiche performs 3 vital tasks. 1. Firstly the microfiche provi
New Subject Headings
By Ellen Paxton
Issue 5, Term 1 1993
S Database on-line. Scope notes that will appear in the next edition of the SCIS SUBJECT HEADINGS LIST have been included for clarification. ACID RAIN x Rain. Acid XX air pollution;rain and . rainfall; water pollution COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT STATES For general works on the States o