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The Information superhighway – implications for education

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 11, Term 4 1994

cautionary note. The Internet is a wonderful play ground which provides endless access to information but in many cases information can be found more quickly from traditional information sources. Internet access raises issues for schools such as document delivery, censorship and management issues. A

Letters to the Editor

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 11, Term 4 1994

y, but I am very disappointed with the binding and presentation. Why publish a book which will be used daily over many years, in paperback, on poor quality paper and bound so that the right hand page entries are so close to the centre margin that the book must be forced flat to read them? It would

What's New

By Katrina Kolt

Issue 11, Term 4 1994

CD-ROM is a valuable product for school libraries. It provides full text searching of the Herald Sun and Sunday Herald Sun, and is updated quarterly. At a time when the provision of current information is imperative, this CD-ROM certainly overcomes the problems associated with storage of

Have You Read This?

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 11, Term 4 1994

October 1994, p26-37 will be an extremely useful tool. Have you ever wondered about Informit, the publishers of AUST-GUIDE CD-ROMs (among others)? Questions & answers by Sandra Oxley provides interesting back-ground on issues such as network licensing, standards and copyright. New librarian , O

News from the Information Program - SCIS On-Line in 1995

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 11, Term 4 1994

rriculum Corporation has been negotiating with Telecom to, not only establish a suitable communications network for access to the database, based on equity of access from anywhere in Australia but also to assist with the development of a communications software for schools. Connections subscribe

SCIS Update - Additions to SCIS Subject Headings

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 11, Term 4 1994

f the disks being catalogued to be recorded in a physical description note. The physical capacity of the disk drive to be recorded in the systems requirement note.

Thank you Dianne

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 11, Term 4 1994

re. New Editor The Winter Edition of Connections featured a lead article written by Heather Kelsall, Information Manager at The Southport School, Queensland. Dianne Lewis when tendering her resignation, recommended Curriculum Corporation approach Heather to edit the newsletter. Heather was c

In this Issue

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 10, Term 3 1994

Heather Kelsall from The Southport School, outlines the impact of new technologies in her school. The discussion, begun in the last issue, about the Internet continues. There is some further information about it and an article about LM-NET, an electronic discussion group on the Internet, readily

Towards the New Century

By Heather Kelsall,

Issue 10, Term 3 1994

school and the Staff Workroom, on a star Novell network configuration. While this network format proved most costly it provides several advantages required in a secondary environment: control by the Network Manager and class teacher, point- to-point speed and the ability to plug-in/ plug-out withou

The Internet Letters

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 10, Term 3 1994

ore expensive in 1995, and most Australian schools have not even had a taste of it. I received responses to my article from colleagues in Victoria, Queensland and NSW. If you are interested in being part of a lobby group to ensure that school libraries do not miss the boat, please contact me. De

News from the Information Program

By Lance Deveson

Issue 10, Term 3 1994

se items not found on the main cumulation. 3. Record the SCIS order numbers on the appropriate order sheet. The more legible your order form, the quicker Curriculum Corporation can processs your order. If a resource is not listed, set it aside until the next microfiche update arrives or 4 notify

News from the Information Program Continued

By Barbara Burr

Issue 10, Term 3 1994

SEARCHING THE MICROFICHE "I can't find it on the microfiche" is a frequently heard problem from users of the microfiche. Before you reach the limits of frustration, try these three possibilities which may account for a number of those 'missing' items. 1. Frame Index (or grids) Reading from


By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 10, Term 3 1994

en Dillon has participated), how to set up CD-ROM networks, policies about charging for computer print-outs and cries for help. One TL who posted a request for information on library automation received 20 replies within a week. Others have posted requests for "novels suitable for unmotivated year 9

SCIS Update

By Lance Deveson

Issue 10, Term 3 1994

PAC. This is the module that will be first offered to schools and the Voyager module that has been customised most to meet Curriculum Corporation's requirements. This module will not only give schools better searching options than the current system but also allow schools to order products, ie. card

Have You Read This?

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 10, Term 3 1994

The active media center by Fred D'lgnazio in The Computing Teacher, March 1994, p. 37-40, wrote about multi-media in schools, focussing on the role of the school library. "School libraries and media centers are changing from warehouses to launch pads. And the count down has already started." (

In this Issue

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 9, Term 2 1994

I must apologise for the late arrival of this issue of Connections. The delay was largely due to the fact that I spent the first three weeks of February at a conference in Jerusalem. My report is in this issue, and although it departs from the usual technological slant of this newsletter, I hope th

Facing the 21st Century: The First International Conference of Jewish Pedagogic Centers

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 9, Term 2 1994

uld use templates, prepared by the graphic artists, to create decorations and games to use in their own schools. This area had large work-tables and equipment such as photocopier, light box and laminating machine as well as materials necessary to make the items. The pedagogic centre in Katzrin,

Access to Internet

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 9, Term 2 1994

94, p 4). He notes the importance for school librarians, in particular, of developing an awareness of the value of the data on these networks and of equality of access. Is anyone out there interested in lobbying for access for schools?

News from the Information Program

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 9, Term 2 1994

notified of the data structure to enable them to import the data into their particular system. This product has been developed in response to many requests from schools to have all the SCIS subject headings available online rather than having to manually enter the headings and the cross references.

What’s New

By Catherine Ryan

Issue 9, Term 2 1994

NETWORKING AND LIBRARIES Goodacre, Christine (ed) Networking and Libraries in Australia , Port Melb: Thorpe, 1993 Anyone who is currently working with technology in libraries will have some need to know about networking. Christine Goodacre's new book Networking and Libraries in Australia is