Showing 341 - 360 of 757 results for Q

Libraries: An American Value

By Lance Deveson

Issue 14, Term 3 1995

er day commencing daily at 8.30 am. The logistics of just choosing the sessions to attend, as well as boarding the correct bus to get to the venue, required military precision and resulted in long days at the Conference. Many of the sessions were recorded to enable delegates to "attend" as many sess

Internetting Corner

By Heather Kelsall

Issue 14, Term 3 1995

i have announced the introduction of a listserv for Australian T /L's. OZTL_NET will provide an effective management tool for practising T /L's, uniquely designed to meet the professional information needs of us all. Topics of interest will include the latest issues and developments relating to an

News from the Information Program: New, amended, replaced subject headings 1995

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 14, Term 3 1995

Below is a list of new and amended subject headings created at recent meetings of the national SCIS cataloguing agencies. Existing headings which have been altered as a result of decisions made by the agencies are identified by **. The nature of the change is indicated in brackets ie: (Replacemen

Professional Upgrading: What’s available for the working T/L?

By James Henri

Issue 13, Term 2 1995

as a non award course and may be used by students as the third year in a BEd. A Teacher Librarianship method within the Grad Dip Ed (Secondary) for qualified librarians to gain teaching qualifications. A Teacher Librarianship strand within the Master of Applied Science (Information Studies) degr

A Masters - What's The Point?

By Jan Barnett

Issue 13, Term 2 1995

arianship; gaining a sense of achievement; having empathy with all students; improving my time management skills; having a current recognised qualification; being able to study when I wanted to, by using a distance education course. The problems (not insurmountable): the vagaries

Have You Read This?

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 13, Term 2 1995

) providing a clear description of the process, details of several programs to use and some addresses to subscribe to. Some educators have become quite excited about the use of multimedia computers and CD ROMs within the classroom. Jon Madian evaluates their educational value in Multimedia -Why

News from Curriculum Corporation

By Lance Deveson

Issue 13, Term 2 1995

fect schools dialling into the existing Dobis system and the new Voyager system, however Online Users will be notified separately when they will be required to change the phone number in the SCISLINK software. Users should contact Information Program staff if they are experiencing difficulty in acce

What's New

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 13, Term 2 1995

e survey. The book actually contains four reports on various aspects of library automation: the National Survey results, Crucial factors in online enquiry, MARC for Teacher-librarians and Providing access to fiction in school libraries. For many T /Ls the issue of library automation is still o

Internetting Corner

By Heather Kelsall

Issue 13, Term 2 1995

ss, profiles of members, Hansard ... etc. The Field Museum, Chicago: on-line dinosaurs FOR MORE: e-mail your request to [email protected] Recommended reading on the Net: PHELPS Katherine. Surf's up: Internet Australian style. Port Melbourne: Mandarin/R

Letters to the Editor

By Heather Kelsall

Issue 13, Term 2 1995

y 1150 students. Since my appointment to the Co-Ordinators position, I have seen my role as T /L in charge of a large well-resourced library change quite markedly. No longer do students need only access print and non-print resources within their own school. Now, with the changing curriculum and th

New Zealand News

By Rosa-Jane French

Issue 13, Term 2 1995

greater success in finding material than in the past. This means that school library journal collections are getting more use, and there are more requests being made to local networks by fax and to the National Library. School Library Network, a voluntary organisation which corresponds with just

In this Issue

By Heather Kelsall

Issue 12, Term 1 1995

This first Issue from Queensland does have a northern bias -no apologise! Focusing on the practical aspects of the Internet highlights two service providers who have responded to schools: there's sure to be others around Australia. 1995 schedules for SCIS Microfiche and ASCISRECON are included, a r

The Gold Coast campus of Griffith University and Ipswich City Council both answer the plea of schools...

By Heather Kelsall

Issue 12, Term 1 1995

1; a modem of at least 14,400 baud; and a Fax Grade telephone line -which all have managed to do within the first few weeks of Term l. The software required to access the Internet is supplied free by Griffith University and installed by their technician. The Commerce Department at Palm Beach Curru

Product review

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 12, Term 1 1995

ications software that will enable easier access to the SCIS database via Voyager. Curriculum Corporation has listened to its Users who have been requesting that the access to SCIS had to be as easy as possible. Users have responded to requests in our surveys, informing the Information Program tha

Information Online and on Disc 1995: Conference Report

By Scott Robinson

Issue 12, Term 1 1995

Experience' and this portrayed itself in the strong multimedia, online service providers and Internet presence. The conference's ability to attract quality keynote and session speakers has certainly not diminished. Day One began with a keynote address by Mr. Patrick Tierney, President and Chief Ex

What's New

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 12, Term 1 1995

ctions and summary of search commands the most useful -particularly the log off is prominently displayed. How often do we need to get off a service quickly and can't remember the steps! It does not replace the often lengthy manuals provided by each online database, what it does do is summarise all

Have You Read This?

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 12, Term 1 1995

lian Personal Computer . Feb.1995 features seven articles on various aspects of the 'Net. Choosing the right service provider for your school can be quite difficult, I nternet access: the front door. p:88 reviews 20 which might well provide some direction. Incite has a regular two page featu

News from the Information Program

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Issue 12, Term 1 1995

April Updates for SA and WA schools will be posted on 1/5/95. June Updates for SA and WA schools will be posted on 30/6/95. Sep Updates for QLD schools will be posted on 29/9/95. ASCISRECON Processing dates for 1995 APRIL: 7 and 21 MAY: 5 and 19 JUNE: 2 and 16 JULY: 7and 21

In this Issue

By Dianne Lewis

Issue 11, Term 4 1994

Voyager has landed! Glimpses of the new SCIS on-line interface, a review of the Herald-Sun on CD-ROM and a report on the recent Computer Education Group of Victoria conference with special reference to school library technology issues. This will be the final issue under my editorship. The new edi

Voyager Has Landed

By Lance Deveson

Issue 11, Term 4 1994

C. The ASCII OP AC is the access point for schools to search the SCIS database and order product online from the database. Curriculum Corporation required that MARCorp enhance the ASCII OP AC to allow ordering of records from the database at point of search and incorporate the display of the curri