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Libraries: An American Value
By Lance Deveson
Issue 14, Term 3 1995
ormick Place hosted many of the Conference sessions and the 1400 sites of the Trade Exhibition. On registering the delegates were presented with a detailed program that included 60 concurrent sessions per day commencing daily at 8.30 am. The logistics of just choosing the sessions to attend, as well
Internetting Corner
By Heather Kelsall
Issue 14, Term 3 1995 The American Library Association home page. W.A. Maritime Museum web server Atmospheric ozone Space telescope electronic infomation service http://www.
News from the Information Program: New, amended, replaced subject headings 1995
By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
Issue 14, Term 3 1995
Professional Upgrading: What’s available for the working T/L?
By James Henri
Issue 13, Term 2 1995
Grad Dip Ed (TL) course to fee paying students in response to growing demand for student places. Teacher Librarianship Certificate to two year trained teachers, as a non award course and may be used by students as the third year in a BEd. A Teacher Librarianship method within the Grad Dip Ed
A Masters - What's The Point?
By Jan Barnett
Issue 13, Term 2 1995
The benefits (for me): being current in my professional reading in education, teacher librarianship and librarianship; gaining a sense of achievement; having empathy with all students; improving my time management skills; having a current recognised qualification; being able to stud
Have You Read This?
By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
Issue 13, Term 2 1995
Internet Australasia is a relatively new journal on the Australian market and issues to date contain articles relevant to school users. Educationing on the Internet (Vol. 1, Iss. 5) highlights the Internet centre at Hopper's Crossing Secondary College, Victoria while in Vol.1, Iss. 2 Ric Cu
News from Curriculum Corporation
By Lance Deveson
Issue 13, Term 2 1995
to attend to your requests as soon as possible. When schools phone the Helpline it will assist Reception at Curriculum Corporation if you briefly explain your request so that these requests can be directed to the most appropriate person within the Information Program. If the staff member who is resp
What's New
By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
Issue 13, Term 2 1995
This title turns out to be a little misleading with only the first section relating to the survey. The book actually contains four reports on various aspects of library automation: the National Survey results, Crucial factors in online enquiry, MARC for Teacher-librarians and Providing access to f
Internetting Corner
By Heather Kelsall
Issue 13, Term 2 1995 Global recycling network http://www.christus The Vatican Museum art collection. Antarctica - environmental concerns and educational resources. CSIRO information s
Letters to the Editor
By Heather Kelsall
Issue 13, Term 2 1995
has had online access to the State Library of Victoria and also via Nexus to many and varied databases within Australia. Now our focus is changing again with Internet the word on everybody's lips. I have read a great deal about the Internet and purchased the Oz-Email Ednet package, as well as und
New Zealand News
By Rosa-Jane French
Issue 13, Term 2 1995
Most schools are now relaxing on holidays at the end of a busy first term, whilst those on a four year term are hard at it again and preparing for internal senior exams. A number of school libraries have recently purchased Index New Zealand CD-ROM which came onto the market at the end of 1994
In this Issue
By Heather Kelsall
Issue 12, Term 1 1995
This first Issue from Queensland does have a northern bias -no apologise! Focusing on the practical aspects of the Internet highlights two service providers who have responded to schools: there's sure to be others around Australia. 1995 schedules for SCIS Microfiche and ASCISRECON are included, a r
The Gold Coast campus of Griffith University and Ipswich City Council both answer the plea of schools...
By Heather Kelsall
Issue 12, Term 1 1995
rs per day, and funding a technician to set up and configuring a computer in each school as a work station linked to the Uni network. They are also training two members from each school in search strategies and access points for resources etc available on the Internet. In addition, each school will
Product review
By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
Issue 12, Term 1 1995
need to dial and adds them to the program. Has Voyager access script built into to the program i.e. just select Voyager and Dial. Has KEYLINK, E-Mail service script built into the program. Ability to create E-Mail messages offline, then connect to KEYLINK and send/ receive mail. In built mon
Information Online and on Disc 1995: Conference Report
By Scott Robinson
Issue 12, Term 1 1995
strong multimedia, online service providers and Internet presence. The conference's ability to attract quality keynote and session speakers has certainly not diminished. Day One began with a keynote address by Mr. Patrick Tierney, President and Chief Executive Officer, Dialog Information Services,
What's New
By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
Issue 12, Term 1 1995
anual in a loose leaf binder. Each service has information on the contact person and address, hours of operation, an outline of what is provided, training and manuals available, charges and any other products or services available. T/L's will find the access instructions and summary of search comm
Have You Read This?
By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
Issue 12, Term 1 1995
ell provide some direction. Incite has a regular two page feature in each edition headed Traversing the trelliswork of the Internet . This contains brief updates on the latest: March '95 looks at Netiquette for all, AARNet developments, Running a WWW service, Standards on the Web and ....
News from the Information Program
By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
Issue 12, Term 1 1995
1995 Microfiche Schedule APRIL Updates: 28/4/95 Subject X-Ref: 5/5/95 MAY Updates: 2/6/95 JUNE Updates: 30/6/95 JULY Updates: 4/8/95 Subject X-Ref: 11/8/95 AUG Updates: 28/8/95 SEPT Updates: 22/9/95 OCT Updates: 27/10/95 Subject X-Ref: 10/11/95 NOV Updates: 27 /11/95 The
In this Issue
By Dianne Lewis
Issue 11, Term 4 1994
Voyager has landed! Glimpses of the new SCIS on-line interface, a review of the Herald-Sun on CD-ROM and a report on the recent Computer Education Group of Victoria conference with special reference to school library technology issues. This will be the final issue under my editorship. The new edi
Voyager Has Landed
By Lance Deveson
Issue 11, Term 4 1994
users will be presented with the welcome screen. 2. As a first time user, the school will be required to establish a User Profile that will remain in the system until changed by that user unlike the Dobis system, where currently users have to set their order requirements each time they enter