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New Zealand News
By Rosa-Jane French
Issue 13, Term 2 1995
at the end of a busy first term, whilst those on a four year term are hard at it again and preparing for internal senior exams. A number of school libraries have recently purchased Index New Zealand CD-ROM which came onto the market at the end of 1994. Produced by the National Library of New
What's New?
By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
Issue 36, Term 1 2001
rful opportunity for Teacher Librarians from Australia and New Zealand to participate in an international forum and hear about developments in school libraries around the world. Follow the links to the conference website from <> This website is being updated regularly and will includ
The library, the child, the book creator: ELR and its role in the story cycle
By Tania McCartney
Issue 107, Term 4 2018
spell over kids that changes the way they think and feel about themselves and their place in the world. Creators create. Children consume. Without libraries, children’s books would never receive the kind of exposure and sharing required to keep the dance of creation and consumption alive. When li
Celebrating the school library officer
By Madeleine Galbraith
Issue 103, Term 4 2017
tion. It arose when he announced that the aim of his tenure was ‘to champion creative opportunities for children, and to highlight the essential role libraries play in nurturing our creative lives’ (Hobbs 2016). In fact, the cheer came from Western Australia’s school library officers. These inspir
Metadata and Marc
By Keith Gove
Issue 29, Term 2 1999
he books and other resources in a library. There is a library catalogue metadata standard, MARC (Machine Readable Cataloguing), which is used by most libraries in the world. It was developed to allow libraries to share their cataloguing data. Recent international work has led to agreed standards a
Have You Read This?
By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
Issue 11, Term 4 1994
nt project to be known as VICNET. It is intended that VICNET will give inexpensive access to the Internet either directly to home users or via public libraries (and schools). It will also provide access to state and local government information and services. VICNET will be piloted during the latter
Thank you Dianne
By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)
Issue 11, Term 4 1994
be underestimated. Dianne is fully employed as Library Manager at Mt Scopus Memorial College in Melbourne and is currently involved in automating 3 libraries at the school. Knowing the amount of work involved in this process, Curriculum Corporation reluctantly accepted her resignation. Dianne felt
SCIS is more
By Caroline Ramsden
Issue 108, Term 1 2019
ur cataloguers to ensure that we continue to provide consistent, quality records. As I am out and about, meeting with SCIS users, I hear a lot from libraries about workflows for managing digital content records, particularly for free online resources. At the time of writing this article, there are
Cover images and SCIS
By Renate Beilharz
Issue 109, Term 2 2019
Cover images have now become a part of most public interfaces to library catalogues, and school libraries use them to promote resources and reading. ESA has been offering cover images to schools as part of their subscription since 2008. This article explains how school library staff can use these w
Building a reading culture: A selection of articles from FYI and Synergy
By Pat Pledger
Issue 118, TERM 3 2021
genous Literacy Foundation is described, and Victorians will learn about the Languages and Multicultural Education Resource Centre, while some school libraries may wish to take the opportunity to join the Stella Prize School’s Program or the ISLM bookmark exchange project. In the Organisations sec
1,000 reasons to support Australian book creators
By Jackie French
Issue 97, Term 2 2016
bout their problems. But there are royalties from the books to compensate for this time, aren’t there? Except, of course, if your books are read in libraries — and when your readers are children, most of the books they read are likely to be from their school library. How long does a book last in
Website and app reviews
By Nigel Paull
Issue 93, Term 2 2015
dents can undertake recap questions at the end of each unit. Links to additional websites are also available. SCIS no. 1704704 Inspirational school libraries from around the world – gallery Is your l
Issue 78 Summary
By Anthea Amos
Issue 78, Term 3 2011
in digital Europe Dr Helen Boelens, ENSIL Website reviews Nigel Paull, South Grafton Public School, NSW The Hub: campaign for quality school libraries in Australia Georgia Phillips, The Hub NSW New and revised subject headings Pam Kadow, Education Services Australia Social media and
Issue 75 Summary
By Editor
Issue 75, Term 4 2010
rvices Australia Digital participation, digital literacy and schools Cassie Hague and Ben Williamson, via Curriculum Leadership Journal School libraries: Making a difference Kerry Neary, via Curriculum Leadership Journal From little things big things grow - Part 3: Library design essentia
Issue 74 Summary
By Editor
Issue 74, Term 3 2010
ly available in PDF format. Articles in this issue include: Taking the driver's seat Catherine Hainstock, teacher librarian Learning to lead libraries Jennifer Dyer, Birrong Girls High School, NSW What kids know (and don't know) about technology Mary Ann Bell, Sam Houston State Univers
Issue 56 Summary
By Editor
Issue 56, Term 1 2006
rassing author anecdotes as the travelling companion of an imaginary cake-eating hippo Hazel Edwards, Author E-learning, e-content, education and libraries Thomas K Storey, OCLC Online Computer Library Center Internetting corner Nigel Paull, South Grafton Primary School, NSW SCISWeb ha
Issue 50 Summary
By Editor
Issue 50, Term 3 2004
ndrew Wright, NILS (National Information and Library Service) Magazines in a Muddle? Catherine Leonard, Softlink Pacific E-journals for School Libraries Nigel Paull and Tracy Tees Beam Me a Book Please Pam Saunders, Yarra Plenty Regional Library, VIC Educational Lending Right 2003–04
Issue 42 Summary
By Editor
Issue 42, Term 3 2002
Kimberley Alison Lawrence, Broome Senior High School, and Department of Education, WA CC News Progressing the Partnership: School and Public Libraries for Lifelong Learning Dr Alan Bundy, Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), and University of South Australia Internetti
Issue 38 Summary
By Editor
Issue 38, Term 3 2001
gement Software Package Steven Haby, SCIS SCIS Agency Profile – Victoria Mavis Heffernan, Statewide School Library Support Centre, VIC School Libraries, Literacy Week and the Let’s Read Expo Mary Ellen Ray, DEET Cataloguing News
Cataloguing News
By Schools Catalogue Information Service
Issue 31, Term 4 1999
professional subject cataloguing tool developed over many years by a team of qualified cataloguers. Features: Developed for Australasian school libraries and curriculum needs. Updated in response to changes in terminology, trends and attitudes. Broad and specific terms with scope for the c