Showing 181 - 200 of 286 results for School libraries

Cataloguing standards: what you see is what you get

By Natasha Campbell

Issue 111, Term 4 2019

the database each month, keeping it relevant and current. The resources catalogued come from a range of sources including publishers, booksellers and school libraries. These hot-off-the-press titles are our best means of creating a quality record that is accurate and compliant with international c

SCIS is more

By Renate Beilharz

Issue 122, Term 3 2022

‘The Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS) creates high-quality, consistent catalogue records for school libraries.’ The quote above introduces SCIS to all those who use our website. High quality means that we adhere to international cataloguing standards, ensuring SCIS records are compat

SCIS is more

By Anthony Shaw

Issue 127, Term 4 2023

the workforce, making her our longest-serving team member. She spent most of her working life focused on creating catalogue records for resources in school libraries. Mavis started as a cataloguer at Tottenham Technical School (Victoria) in 1973, then joined a team of 15 cataloguers in the Victoria

The Great Aussie Book Count 2021-22

By Michelle Harvey

Issue 121, Term 2 2022

Arts. This up-to-date library book count data ensures Australian creators and publishers can receive compensation for the free use of their books in school libraries through the Australian Government’s ELR program. Five minutes is all it takes! And don’t let the name fool you: ELR is not your typ

Supporting Australian book creators

By Laura Armstrong

Issue 93, Term 2 2015

ational Lending Right (ELR) school library survey. The data collected is used to estimate the number of copies of Australian books held in Australian school libraries. These estimates are then used to calculate payments to Australian book creators and publishers in compensation for earnings potentia

Online Encyclopaedias

By Nigel Paull

Issue 30, Term 3 1999

rolier Online. They both offered updates of events that had occurred in the last 24 hours. Each company has designed their on line encyclopaedia with school libraries and classrooms in mind. World Book Online comprises the respected World Book Encyclopaedia and features streaming audio and video, th


By Dianne Lewis

Issue 1, Term 1 1992

CURRICULUM CORPORATION is well aware of the demands placed on libraries, school libraries and libraries in tertiary institutions to access current curriculum information at the lowest possible cost and often without access to on-line databases or microfiche. Educators need current information and

Educational Lending Right (ELR) School Library Survey 2019–20

By Daniel Hughes

Issue 113, Term 2 2020

lian Government’s Office for the Arts. The purpose of the survey is to determine an estimate of the number of copies of books available in Australian school libraries. The Department then combines the school scores with university and TAFE estimates to determine how much money will be paid to eligib

Education Lending Right (ELR) School Library Survey 2020–21

By Daniel Hughes

Issue 117, Term 2 2021

lian Government’s Office for the Arts. The purpose of the survey is to determine an estimate of the number of copies of books available in Australian school libraries. The Office for the Arts then combines the school scores with university and TAFE estimates to determine how much money will be paid

Taking the guesswork out of genre

By Brendan Eichholzer

Issue 91, Term 4 2014

School libraries are not just designed for accessing curriculum material; they are also a playground for young minds. Students who discover the joys of reading for pleasure are well positioned for enhanced literacy, language acquisition, cultural understanding, and social skills (Clark and Rumbold,

Supporting Australian book creators

By Nicole Richardson

Issue 101, Term 2 2017

r for payment under the Lending Right schemes. SCIS manages the ELR school library survey, which compiles an estimate of book holdings in Australian school libraries. This is then used as the basis for payment. The word ‘survey’ here may be misleading. There are no questions to answer or forms to

What's New?

By Nigel Paull

Issue 24, Term 1 1998

issues, and could prove to be a helpful starting point for schools writing or refining their own policies. Cost: $34.00 From: Trinity Grammar School Libraries Trinity Grammar School PO Box 174 Summer Hill 2130 A Practical Guide to Computers The recently published book by Anne Glover,

What's New?

By Nigel Paull

Issue 25, Term 2 1998

sed a new generation of its CD ROM encyclopaedia, Britannica CD 98 Multimedia Edition. A variety of CD ROM encyclopedias have found their way into school libraries and homes, usually at no cost because they have been bundled with the purchase of new computers. Students have relished using these m

CC News

By Schools Catalogue Information Service

Issue 32, Term 1 2000

M of Teacher Librarian time. Indications are that many more schools will move from the CD product to the Web, providing real evidence that Australian school libraries are moving strongly into on line activity. In 1999 the National Office for the Information Economy published A Strategic Framework

Reading the Future

By Dianne Hager

Issue 19, Term 4 1996

and Suzette Boyd, Director of Library Services at Methodist Library College, Melbourne, addressed the impact of technology on services offered within school libraries and the changes needed to ensure the continuation of the important role of school libraries within education. Shelda in Preparing ou

New Zealand News

By Jenny Carrol

Issue 19, Term 4 1996

herefore the process of gathering and manipulating information becomes all important. It is an essential skill transferable across the curriculum and school libraries and librarians have an important role to play in the teaching of this process. Professional development is essential if we are to k

New Zealand News

By Rosa-Jane French

Issue 17, Term 2 1996

e present Certificate to a Diploma, with possible links into Degree courses. Another session that day will look at the needs of Asian students in our school libraries, both resident migrants and students here for short term language courses. There are a variety of courses available at local and na

Letters to the Editor

By Heather Kelsall

Issue 13, Term 2 1995

advanced on this path and have policies in place re Internet use etc. The purpose of this letter is to request you run an article in "Connections" on school libraries and the Internet with a view to compiling a list of schools in various stages of 'Internet implementation'. Hopefully, a Victorian in

Voyager: Curriculum Corporation’s new software platform for the SCIS Database

By Lance Deveson

Issue 7, Term 3 1993

er Library system produced by MARCorp in San Francisco, USA and distributed in Australia by Ferntree Computer Corporation is a major leap forward for school libraries in Australia. Curriculum Corporation will be the first site in Australia for the new software and MARCorp will tailor their system

A note from the editor

By Nicole Richardson

Issue 103, Term 4 2017

and ideas in Connections , it is clear that school library professionals of all varieties are selfless, passionate people with one shared message: ‘school libraries matter’. What a pleasure it is to be involved in this community. If you would like to contribute to Connections , whether you are