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Teacher librarian leadership and generative AI: An opportunity for leading innovation
By Matthew Boggon
Issue 130, Term 3, 2024
icy, guidance and solutions’ as it relates to the use of AI in schools (2024). This executive leadership group defines one of its goals as ‘providing teachers with statewide professional learning’ (NSW DoE, 2024). It is clear that the NSW DoE believes that generative AI will become a mainstay in edu
The Teacher Librarian and ChatGPT
By Stephanie Strachan
Issue 126, Term 3 2023
self, this is the next biggest tech development of our time and the implications for educators are huge. In short, we need to equip both students and teachers with the ‘skills that will be needed in an AI-dominated landscape’ (Allen and West, 2018). Universities all over the globe are currently s
SCIS interviews Teacher Librarian Award winner Megan Daley
By Megan Daley
Issue 126, Term 3 2023
Congratulations on winning the ASLA Teacher Librarian Award. Can you talk to us a little about what it is that drew you to becoming a teacher librarian? I was originally an early childhood teacher, so my first degree was a Bachelor of Education in early childhood. I did that always with the k
The future role of the teacher librarian
By Dr James E Herring
Issue 100, Term 1 2017
xpected to manage the library, taking in book selection, cataloguing and classification, displays and class visits — and advise students, liaise with teachers, complete administrative tasks, and teach students about using information and the library. So, perhaps I should call this article the futur
The Listserv for Australian Teacher Librarians
By Schools Catalogue Information Service
Issue 30, Term 3 1999
OZTL_NET stands for OZ(Aus)tralian Teacher Librarians' NET-work. This electronic forum is designed to meet the professional information needs of Australian TLs. The conversation on OZTL_NET deals with topics of interest to the Australian TL community, including the latest issues and developments th
ASLA Australian Teacher Librarian Award 2021
By Kerry Pope
Issue 118, TERM 3 2021
on Services, Mercy College, Coburg, Victoria. Anne Girolami was announced as the winner of Australian School Library Association (ASLA) Australian Teacher Librarian of the Year for 2021 by Kerry Pope, ASLA Vice President, on 13 April at the ASLA/SLASA National Conference. The presentation was mad
Ten ways to advocate for your role as a teacher librarian
By Jenny Kemp
Issue 103, Term 4 2017
One of the challenges faced by teacher librarians is that it isn’t always easy for the rest of the school to understand why we are important. In my experience, comments like ‘Surely everything’s online these days?’ and ‘What?! You went to university to get a library qualification? Isn’t it just abo
Students Need School Libraries (and teacher librarians)
By Cherie Bell
Issue 128, Term 1 2024
developing research and referencing skills, and it is the school library that leads this development. School library staff collaborate with classroom teachers to give students access to resources that are relevant to their studies and to the age and stage of each student’s development. Supporting
Five powerful digital tools for teacher librarians
By Ceinwen Jones
Issue 118, TERM 3 2021
Some of these may be new to you. Some of them may seem obvious. But here are five digital tools I enjoyed using as a teacher librarian! Trello Currently my favourite for to-do lists, one way I regularly use Trello is for my daily brain-dump of jobs I need to do. I then allocate tasks to
What Do Teacher Librarians Need to Know about Cataloguing?
By Ashley Freeman
Issue 34, Term 3 2000
The recent publication of the fourth edition of SCIS Subject Headings as a tool for use by both cataloguers in SCIS cataloguing agencies and Teacher Librarians in schools makes this an appropriate time to reflect upon the role of the Teacher Librarian with respect to cataloguing. The roles of a
It’s time: let’s improve schools' perceptions of teacher librarians
By Bev Novak
Issue 99, Term 4 2016
it on Twitter, and was delighted to read Sally’s reply: ‘It needs saying!’ Dring’s article highlighted the many valuable attributes and skills that teacher librarians bring to the school community. These are outlined below. Having dual qualifications in both teaching and library management all
Bring the teachers in: enticing teachers into the library
By Brett Moodie
Issue 90, Term 3 2014
ton College were aimed at meeting the needs of students. Displays and competitions were focused toward students, and little attention was paid to how teachers and support staff used the library. In an effort to boost the profile of the library within the school–and align with our mandate to support
Website and app reviews
By Nigel Paull
Issue 131, Term 4, 2024
gn Awards ‘recognize innovation, ingenuity, and technical achievement in app and game design’. Although not specifically related to curriculum areas, teachers can investigate the apps and games that use Apple technologies to promote inclusivity, social impact, and spatial computing. SCIS no: 54
EAL/D in school libraries
By Nicki Moore, Martin Gray
Issue 121, Term 2 2022
At Singleton High School in New South Wales, Nikki Moore is an EAL/D teacher who is based in the school library. Situating Nikki in the school library has led to collaboration between the library staff and the EAL/D teacher, as well as the non-native English-speaking students who often use the libr
Working together: collaboration between libraries and bookstores
By Kristen Proud
Issue 112, Term 1 2020
ity to gain empathy and understanding from books that might portray characters from backgrounds different from their own. Engaging with book-loving teachers, enthusiastic librarians and innovative principals is one of the most joyful parts of our existence. For us, we want to ensure that we are ge
Guerrilla book fair: getting staff involved in your school library
By Lucas Maxwell
Issue 100, Term 1 2017
ing me for the gift bags. Again, it is very time consuming, but it will certainly pay off. Offer your library’s services As previously mentioned, teachers are busy people. I found that offering my services for context and research lessons pays off in several ways. First, you get to demonstrate t
Navigating the information landscape through collaboration
By Elizabeth Hutchinson
Issue 101, Term 2 2017
volved in curriculum discussions and included as part of the teaching and learning team to make an impact. However, even if this is happening, unless teachers fully support and are encouraged to use their school library, their students will struggle to become independent learners. In a perfect wor
Website and app reviews
By Nigel Paull
Issue 130, Term 3, 2024
izenship, Years 5–10. The teaching and learning resources may be used when visiting the ACC or as standalone units. SCIS no: 5495805 Be That Teacher Careers advisors – and teaching staff in general – may use this resource to help inspire the next generation
Website and App Reviews
By Nigel Paul
Issue 128, Term 1 2024
AEC for schools: Teacher resources This Australian Electoral Commission website aims to enhance the practical skills teachers need to teach electoral education as part of the Australian Curriculum, in Civics and Citizenship. The professional lea
Tonight … I’ll be reading! a novel approach to holiday reading
By Siobhan James
Issue 130, Term 3, 2024
r Reads’ and ‘DeliverReads’ alongside logo-adorned brown paper bags. The concept looked new, popular and, more importantly, exciting to run, with one teacher librarian (Elisabeth Porreca-Dubois) running an Uber Reads initiative at their school – and it looked to be a success. I thought: ‘Why not g