Issue 27
Term 4 1998
Internetting Corner
These sites can be easily accessed on the Internet via the hypertext links found on the Curriculum Corporation's Connections site for Issue No. 27. au/scis/connect/connect. htm
My Virtual Reference Desk -FastFacts 1998
http://www. ref html
As the title implies this site has hundreds of links to help you answer all those curly questions that crop up which have to be answered immediately. Information is available from almanacs, calendars, dictionaries, lists of quotations, news services, data banks, weather centres, encyclopedias and other specialised areas. The site is equipped with a search engine.
If you are contemplating attending the 16th Biennial Conference of the Australian School Library Association being held in Geelong during January 18-21, 1999 this site will keep you abreast of developments.
Educational Technology for Schools
This is the Web site for From Now On: The Educational Technology Journal, published by Jamie McKenzie. Articles are available on a range of topics including: libraries of the future; technology planning; assessment; staff development; Internet use policies; and networks.
Inside Indonesia: Widely Read, Inside and Out!
Published in English, this is the online version of the print journal of the same name. It is broadly focused, dealing with topics involving culture, the environment, politics and human rights, social conditions, economics and travel.
LawLink NSW -Attorney General's Department Online
http://www. lawl ink.
Lawlink NSW has developed a special index of legal resources designed to address core areas of the NSW Legal Studies Curriculum. It contains hundreds of pages of plain English fact sheets and guides explaining NSW court processes, as well as resources on legal issues such as debt, crime, environment, discrimination, government and privacy.
Literacy Web Australia
Managed by Neil Anderson, a Queensland Educator of the Year, this site has a selection of case studies relating to technology and literacy, and literacy in general. Also included are rewarding links to other literacy sites.
PETA -Primary English Teaching Association
PETA is a highly regarded teaching organisation focusing on language and literacy at the primary level. Secondary English teachers should investigate this site as well.
Past Notable Women of Computing & Mathematics HyPlans/tap/past-women.html
The role of pioneering women in the fields of computing and mathematics is highlighted on this site. It contains biographical and background information and has an excellent array of associated articles.
Parliamentary Education Office
An essential site for any primary or secondary student studying Federal Parliament. Teachers are well catered for with curriculum material and resource sharing ideas. An exemplary site for highlighting the currency of the Internet compared to other sources of informtion.
Welcome to DK Publishing
Darling Kindersley has produced an attractive, informative site that mirrors the layout of the books they publish. It contains information on their latest books and software and has a section specifically for children.
The Dickens Page
There is a plethora of information pertaining to Charles Dickens and his work to be found here. Emanating from Nagoya University, there are also links to articles, Dickens fellowships and other associated Websites.
Internet Education Group
K-12 teachers investigating innovative methods to integrate technology into teaching programs will enjoy exploring the range of online lesson plans available. The Internet is the catalyst for each lesson plan.
SLMQ Online
wysiwyg://23/ index.html
School Library Media Quarterly Online is an official journal of the American Association of School Librarians. Articles published are substantive and refereed. The site also contains a selection of previously published material.
Dictionary and Glossary List
Hundreds of specialist dictionaries and glossaries are available from this site. Some of the more obscure include Water Quality Dictionary, Glossary of Glassmaking Terms and Feudal Terms of England.
You've Got Mail!
Ten imaginative ideas to extend the use of email in a meaningful context are listed in this article from Electronic School Online. Relevant for both primary and secondary students.