Issue 23
Term 4 1997
What's New
The same day that the New Zealand News article discussing information literacy was delivered, the flyer promoting the new CD ROM: Teaching Information Skills arrived from ASLA. I have yet to explore the CD ROM but for those T /Ls who have not yet seen the flyer, the contents are worth mentioning here.
The software package has been produced for teachers and teacher librarians as a support resource for use when instigating information skills and competencies in students. The professional content of the CD ROM is divided into three aspects: educators are encouraged to develop their own level of information literacy; it provides the opportunity to develop competency and confidence to teach information skills across the curriculum; and it outlines strategies for collaborative planning using integrated resource-based programs.
Title: Teaching Information Skills
Cost: $60 for single user
$75 site licence
Available: Business Manager, ASLA.
P.O. Box 450
Belconnen. ACT 2616
Inquiries: Karen Bonano 79 418045