Issue 20
Term 1 1997
What's New
The school office environment is changing like never before and it requires support staff to become skilled often without the benefits of professional training.
Open Office have compiled a series of easy to understand self-training modules which can be used to introduce the needed skills, retraining and for continuing professional education for all ancillary staff. It enables the staff to learn at a time and pace which suits them best, gives a wide choice of topics to select from and does not rely on access to another institution. Currently there are ten modules available each one introduced by questioning the reason behind using the guides and presenting the study options for that topic. The participant is then asked to identify what they intend to achieve from the module. Each chapter presents them with information and at the end asks the participant to respond to a series of situations relevant to their own workplace. The module titles are: The Woman manager; Customer service excellence; Stress control; Planning your work; Being the best you can be; Personal life skills; Your office team; Communicating Clearly; Assertiveness and Time management. All can be purchased individually at $19 or the full set for $150. With T /Ls reliant on a small and competent support team, these modules can often enhance skills necessary within the school library.
Open Office Self-Training Modules for School Office Staff.
The Wyncroft Centre
13 Gomms Road